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Like the Rockruff in Route 1 and a Murkrow in Royal Avenue.

Oh those guys have a naaaaaame I forgot it

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Rockruff - Route 1
Pyukumuku - Big Wave Beach
Comfey - Alola Photo Club
Slowpoke - Iki Town
Sandygast - Hano Beach
Stufful - Konikoni City
Miltank - Paniola Ranch
Pikachu - Pikachu Valley
Murkrow - Royal Avenue
Corsola - Tidal Song Hotel
Mimikyu- Route 14
Meowth - Route 17
Magnemite - Blush Mountain
Togedemaru - Hokulani Observatory
Spinda - Make City
Charjabug - Mount Hokulani
Vulpix - Mount Lanakila
Oranguru - Po Town
Bewear - Battle Tree
Dewpider - Seafolk Village
Pelipper - Aether Paradise
Starmie - Aether Paradise


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