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Physical Attacker Moveset for Primal Groudon

Rock Polisher (Groudon-Primal) @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Precipice Blades
- Rock Polish
- Fire Punch
- Stone Edge


Swords Dancer (Groudon-Primal) @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Precipice Blades
- Swords Dance
- Fire Punch
- Stone Edge

Please stop answering this question with low-effort one liners. We are removing answers like that. Show some nuance and some knowledge of the Ubers metagame.

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I will use it it Ubers format in Pokemon Showdown
For Wifi battles, I will use it in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
So should Primal Groudon learn Rock polish or Swords Dance?
The answer to this would totally depend on the rest of your team. If you could add a PokéPaste of your team for both the WiFi Battles and Ubers, it'll help others to answer better.
And about the Ubers thing, is it USUM (Gen 7) Ubers? As Galar Ubers doesn't have Groudon-Primal, and ORAS Ubers isn't on the PS! ladder, so only USUM Ubers is left.
And please try to condense your thoughts/questions in one comment, it prevents clutter.
What's your team, btw? This totally depends on the team, so it's important that you link it through PokéPaste or something.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Neither of the moveset you posted is really good.

Fire Punch is a very niche and bad option. This is because Celesteela and Skarmory are very rare, and the infamous EdgeQuake combo is able to generally cover almost everything neutrally/super-effectively.

As Stone Edge / Rock Tomb + Precipice Blades spares two moveslot, you can fit in Swords Dance, Rock Polish or even Stealth Rock. What you're using really depends on your team, though.

Swords Dance is used on a mixed of hazard setter + wallbreaker, as well as in mixed SD sets.

Swords Dance, when combined with Stealth Rock, allows this Primal Groudon variant to be both a utility entry hazard setter and a wallbreaker at the same time against Defog users such as support Arceus formes, Giratina, and Ho-Oh that would try to remove Stealth Rock.

Setting Stealth Rock on forced switches is ideal. It works out better if the opponent switches to a Defog user such as a support Arceus forme, Ho-Oh, or Giratina, as Primal Groudon can then reveal Swords Dance or Rock Tomb and surprise the opponent, likely putting them into an unfavorable situation where they have to decide between dealing with Primal Groudon and the Stealth Rock it can set.

Rock Polish is also used on the above mentioned mixed sets, when it needs to threaten offensive teams much more, as being able to outspeed eases up any matchup vs offensive teams. Dual Dance with both SD RP is also a set with the EdgeQuake combo.

Rock Polish boosts Primal Groudon's otherwise average Speed tier into an area that only faster boosting attackers can reach. This makes Rock Polish Primal Groudon very scary for opposing offensive teams.
A boost from Swords Dance makes Primal Groudon very difficult to defensively check, leaving only the bulkiest physical walls such as Zygarde-C and Giratina able to stomach a boosted Precipice Blades.


Tl;dr it really depends on what your team needs, and also for the set you provided, you can use both Swords Dance + Rock Polish aka Dual Dance Primal-Groudon!


Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 100 SpD / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Swords Dance
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Edge

Hope I helped!

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Smogon sources are not good, and a fire move on groundon is almost a must have. Also the stats split on three makes he becomes very outclassed, almost strong as a standarth simple pokémon but not having the potential of the over powered setup of a "true legendary" (between quotes, since he is a legendary), also has Rock polish and swords dance on the same setup makes he need alot of openings to buff himself and he will almost never have at least one if your oponent has a moderate level of skill, and also on the setup you provided is clearly that he will need to buff himself to be used properly.
 I mean no direspect but i think you doesn't understand about the subject, but i apreciate you taking your time to give your opinion and try to help others.
> For Wifi battles, I will use it in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
commented Sep 18 by Bolt Striker

They asked for this too @Frozen Inferno 火

And @Hórus lmfao do you know anything about competitive? how do i downvote a comment guys
What the hell? Smogon is like the number one place when it comes to any competitive stuff about Pokemon, and no, Fire Punch isn't a must have at all. The asker asked about Ubers, where you can see that Fire move on physical Groudon is like never used. And splitting EVs isn't bad at all, the EVs that have been spread in such way that it achieves certain benchmarks.

"156 Speed EVs ensure that Primal Groudon will be faster than Adamant Necrozma-DM assuming equal Speed boosts while also outspeeding a +1 Adamant maximum Speed Mega Salamence after Rock Polish."

"The rest of the EVs are allocated to Special Defense, letting Primal Groudon survive two Ice Beams from Primal Kyogre after taking Stealth Rock damage as base forme Groudon, as well as any boosted move from Geomancy Xerneas at full health."

Please learn something about competitive Pokemon before telling this. Primal Groudon sets on a huge portion of meta like Xerneas, Dusk Mane, Primal Kyogre, and telling that it sets on nothing is complete blasphemy. Your comment seems to come from a totally inexperienced competitive player, no offense.
I respect the opinions of both of you, everybody has the right of their opinions, however i disagree with you both. About Smogon, is a fan made website with ramdom people giving opinions, not professionals, even if some truly understand, the majority doesn't, so the odds of it being a good source is very small. I hope this is coopreensive and there is no trouble between us. If any of you want to say more, i can gladly discuss this in private, but it will have to be with respect, no offense or passive aggressiveness, thanks all!
@horus here a general replay high rated (p high rated= good players I believe)
Now tell me if groudon have a fire type move how would it win? Any difference in Easyness of winning? Nah u just get walled by hooh. Although fire punch is stab, rock is much more preferable. If you want I can give more example replays. It's simply that rock and ground hit more number of Pokémon super effectively or nuteraly (like giratina-o is hit by stone edge and can be chipped and defeated over long term but it doesn't lose to fire punch)
@Assault I think EdgeQuake Dual Dance don should be good in-game as well. While it's different from Ubers, the set should work well there as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
"should" You're "theorising". I'm pretty sure that you can gather some facts about in-game Groudon-Primal from the internet.
And I haven't played the game they're asking for so I don't know about it, pardon.
Thank you very much for all the trouble you guys help and researched a better competitive moveset for Primal Groudon for me. I appreciate all your help guys. You guys are the best.
0 votes

I think that Rock Polish would be better, as Primal Groudon already has a huge Attack stat whereas its speed is only mediocre. Assuming that this is a Fast Physical sweeper, extra speed will help it achieve that role.

In Ubers, Groudon-Primal without Rock Polish is a menace, as it can run Swords Dance + Rock Tomb, too.
This is really an incomplete answer...
0 votes

If your setup will have the ev's in speed as described in your question, by standarth the best option is the one with Rock polish, the one with swords dance will be better on a situation his innate speed will be enought to outspeed his oponents and his innate defensive atributes will be enought to withstand retaliation in case he isn't fast enought. The two are better in their own regard, it will depend on your personal playstile.

If even so, you still have doubts, always go for the specialist over the generalist, so pick the one with rock polish if you can't choose one, but if you can manage to understand in what each one will be better and how do that work with your personal playstile choose the one that will benefit most of your personal skills.

This is a question that is very difficult to have a proper answer because of that, the pokémon that is best for one person, maybe be not for other person, the same pokémon with a particular setup can be best for one person, but not for other person and so on, is never black and white, it always require analization and how it works with your personal playstyle, not the personal playstyle of other people.

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