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3 votes

If you hacked/found a way to get Judgment on, say, a Tyranitar. What typing would it be? Would giving Tyranitar a Plate change the typing of Judgment?

How about with Multi Attack? What happens if you Trick or Treat/Forest's Curse a Silvally holding a memory and use MA? What happens if you give Multi Attack to a random Pokemon holding a memory?

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i just tested this out and wrote and answer and then it got deleted but thats okay if anyone wants to use this info feel free to.

“If you hacked/found a way to get Judgment on, say, a Tyranitar. What typing would it be?” - Normal type

“Would giving Tyranitar a Plate change the typing of Judgment?” - yes, I tested it with a Pixie Plate and it was Fairy type.

“What happens if you give Multi Attack to a Dual type Pokemon?” - Normal Type

havent tested the Forests Curse/Trick Or Treat scenario but here you go.
Wait I completely forgot about the fact you need to use memories to change Silvally's type. My edited version of one of my questions is "What happens if you give Multi Attack to a random Pokemon holding a memory?"
I swear I saw this question with around 3 upvotes earlier. What happened?
It did have at least two upvotes at one point

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

If you hacked/found a way to get Judgment on, say, a Tyranitar. What typing would it be? Would giving Tyranitar a Plate change the typing of Judgment?

The move will be Normal-type. Judgement is a Normal-type move, no matter what Pokémon it is used on. Giving a Pokémon any Plate would change Judgment's type according to the Plate.

As an example, In Gen 6 Pure Hackmons Mega Gengar runs Judgement / Secret Sword / Shell Smash / Dark Void, along with a Spooky Plate. This effectively gives the Gengar a 120 BP STAB Judgment, as its typing has now changed to Ghost- because of the Plate. It also makes the Gengar-Mega imposter-proofed, until the Imposter is also carrying any Plate. (A non-Plate Judgment is always Normal-type.)

What happens if you give Multi Attack to a random Pokemon holding a memory?

Check this replay. Over here, the Multi Attack was Bug-type, and its Dynamax move was also Bug-type. Now, this also gives us something about Judgment, as it was Normal-type without a Plate, and so was its Dynamax move.

What happens if you Trick or Treat/Forest's Curse a Silvally holding memory and use MA?

Check this replay. Over here, Trick-Or-Treat was used on a Silvally-Dark, and it still hit the Gourgeist super-effectively, and even after Forest's Curse the Phantump was hit super-effectively. So, the typing of Multi Attack won't change and would remain the same.

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“And even after Forest’s curse the Phantump was hit super-effectively”
Did you skip this, Cyberbear?