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I mean, I was wondering which Pokemon had the most varied movepool. I mean, those Pokemon which can learn 17, 16, even moves of all 18 types. Also, please add which of these Pokemon are the most competetively viable.

Only damage causing moves should be considered. Please do not include Mew, Arceus or Smeargle

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What are all the passive damage causing moves? Do you mean anything that also inflicts burn and poison also counts?
The link that you have provided is from 2013, when only seventeen  types existed. So, my question is not a dupe. Plus, it didn't mention Competitive advice, which mine does.   And yes, anything that inflicts a burn or poisons the target counts
The one I posted has an updated answer in Jun 2 (the second one). Passive damage and competitive advice isn't enough to make it not a dupe, its still having the same main title.
What if the status move has a chance of doing damage, like Confuse Ray or Assist? What about Curse, since it does damage if used by a Ghost type but doesn't if it's used by any other Pokemon?
There was a question back in 2018, and I answered it saying that Jirachi and Drampa can learn a move of every type. I can't find it now for some reason.
By "damage causing moves" do you still count status moves or only Special and Physical moves? Do Counter and Mirror Coat count as damage causing moves? Which tier are you talking about when asking for the Pokemon that's the most competitively viable?
Original question asks for "attacking moves", this one doesn't do that. So they were different all along.
No, for a couple reasons:
* As above, that question asks about attacking moves. This question asks for all moves.
* When we moderate dupe questions, we don't consider whether the answer exists on another question (whether that question is similar or completely unrelated). The questions themselves need to be identical.
Can you specify what you mean by damage causing moves? Do moves that do indirect damage count, such as Sandstorm, Assist, or Confuse Ray?
Moves like Toxic and Leech Seed count, but Sandstorm, Hail, Confuse Ray and other confusion causing moves, Assist and Metronome and other moves like Counter, Mimic , Copycat and Instruct does not count
So all the damage causing status moves are Baneful Bunker, Curse (if used by ghost type), Leech Seed, Nightmare (if the opponent is asleep), Pain Split (if the user's health is below the target), Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Powder, Spikes, Spiky Shield, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, and Will-o-wisp? Please tell me if there are more that I missed or I'm including some that don't count.
The things that do not count are - Baneful Bunker, Nightmare, Pain Split, Spiky Shield. Everything else does
As of Gen 8, right? So moves like Return and Hidden Power aren't considered, as well as the missing Pokemon?
They probably should be considered for the typing of the move part of the question, but not for the competitive part of the question
@sumwun I think this is what you were looking for:

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Slaking (18 types Damage Dealing moves) :

Normal : Hyperbeam/Giga Impact
Fire : Flamethrower/Fire Punch
Water : Water Pulse/Chilling Water
Grass : Solar Beam/Trailblaze
Electric : Thunder/Thunder Punch
Ice : Blizzard/Ice Punch
Ground : Earthquake/Mud Slap
Steel : Heavy Slam/Metal Claw
Rock : Rock Slide/Smack Down
Poison : Gunk Shot/Poison Jab
Fighting : Focus Blast/Focus Punch
Dark : Night Slash/Sucker Punch
Ghost : Shadow Ball/Shadow Claw
Bug : X-Scissor/Fury Cutter
Psychic : Zen Headbutt
Fairy : Play Rough
Flying : Aerial Ace
Dragon : Outrage

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Why is this flagged?
Slaking can't learn Water Pulse or Fury Cutter(In S/V), but I didn't flag it.
It’s still right though, so who flagged it?
It is flagged so we know to BA it.
1 vote

Nidoking (16 types, doesn't learn any damage dealing Fairy, or Grass type moves):

Normal: Hyper Beam
Fire: Fire Punch
Water: Whirlpool
Electric: Thunder Punch
Grass: -
Ice: Ice Punch
Fighting: Superpower
Poison: Poison Sting
Ground: Bulldoze
Flying: Peck
Psychic: Confusion
Bug: Megahorn
Rock: Rock Tomb
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Throat Chop
Steel: Iron Tail
Fairy: -

Snorlax (15 types, doesn't learn any damage dealing Fairy, Flying, or Bug type moves):

Normal: Hyper Beam
Fire: Fire Punch
Water: Surf
Electric: Thunder Punch
Grass: Solar Beam
Ice: Icy Wind
Fighting: Superpower
Poison: Gunk Shot
Ground: Bulldoze
Flying: -
Psychic: Psychic
Bug: -
Rock: Rock Tomb
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Throat Chop
Steel: Iron Head
Fairy: -

Wigglytuff (15 types, doesn't learn any damage dealing Bug, Poison, or Dragon type moves):

Normal: Hyper Beam
Fire: Flamethrower
Water: Water Pulse
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Grass Knot
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Drain Punch
Poison: -
Ground: Dig
Flying: Bounce
Psychic: Psychic
Bug: -
Rock: Rollout
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: -
Dark: Fling
Steel: Gyro Ball
Fairy: Play Rough

From the answer here by sumwun as linked in the comments,
Drampa (17 types, has no damage dealing Poison type moves):

Normal: Hyper Beam
Fire: Flamethrower
Water: Surf
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Grass Knot
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Focus Blast
Poison: -
Ground: Bulldoze
Flying: Fly
Psychic: Extrasensory
Bug: Signal Beam
Rock: Rock Slide
Ghost: Shadow Claw
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Fling
Steel: Steel Wing
Fairy: Play Rough

Jirachi (17 types, has no damage dealing Poison type moves):

Normal: Snore
Fire: Fire Punch
Water: Water Pulse
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Energy Ball
Ice: Ice Punch
Fighting: Aura Sphere
Poison: -
Ground: Mud-Slap
Flying: Aerial Ace
Psychic: Psychic
Bug: U-turn
Rock: Meteor Beam
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Draco Meteor
Dark: Fling
Steel: Iron Head
Fairy: Play Rough

Nidoking is competitively viable for offense
Wigglytuff can be a niche pick in the lower tiers
Jirachi is very, very viable in competitive play
Drampa can be a niche pick in the lower tiers.

Do note that Jirachi, Drampa, and Wigglytuff can learn Toxic, but not a direct damage dealing move.
How do you know there aren't any Pokemon that learn all 18 types of attack moves in gen 8?
You mean aside from Arceus and Mew and Smeargle? I'm not a 100% sure. I didn't run a script or anything like that. Based off of what you'd answered earlier, I checked to see if the Pokemon you'd mentioned faired better for gen 8 by checking their move pools and didn't find them covering anything new/all 18 types of damaging moves.