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So I was breeding Chansey with Ditto in ORAS and I got the idea to give Ditto a Luck Incense and I got a Happiny. Do other games allow this to happen? I'm mainly asking about older gens like 3, 4, and 5, but I also want to know about the other ones and if there are specific Pokemon it doesn't work for.

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According to Bulbapedia, incense breeding was introduced in Generation 3. However, you can not purchase all the different kinds of incense in a single location until the Generation 5 games; incense should still be obtainable in gens 3 and 4-just harder to come by. In every generation after this, incense should be relatively easy to acquire. This excludes the Let’s Go games where the breeding mechanic is not present in-game. Bonsly, Budew, Mantyke, Muchlax, Mime Jr., Chingling, Azurill, Happiny, and Wynaunt require incense to hatch from an egg; every other baby Pokémon does not require incense when breeding for them. Also note that baby Pokémon themselves cannot breed.
Tailspin, they were asking for if it is possible to incense breed with a Ditto as a partner.
So it isn't possible in older gens? If you know that for all gens with a source, can you answer? I'm asking because it worked in Omega Ruby (Chansey holding Everstone and Ditto holding Luck Incense) and wanted to see if it worked in other games like that.
Wait nvm I didn't read your description of the question. I was wrong.
Okay GmaxWaluigi sorry for the misunderstanding.
No it's my fault lol I didn't read the question
I don't own any of the Generation 3 games, so I can't run tests for that generation. I can test Generation 4, but it's going to take me a little bit to get results; I need to beat SoulSilver before I can run any tests. I got to Goldenrod City yesterday. I should be able to borrow a friend's DS to transfer test Pokémon over to my earlygame Pearl save after I complete testing in SoulSilver.

3 Answers

0 votes

Ditto has been in the Ditto egg group ever since it was introduced.
Egg groups were introduced in gen 2. I think this means Ditto breeding has worked ever since gen 2.

Incenses (Japanese: おこう Incense) are a group of held items that were introduced in Generation III.

if a breeding pair that would normally produce Eggs containing the evolved form of one of these baby Pokémon, and one of the parents holds the corresponding Incense, Eggs containing the baby Pokémon will be produced instead.


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So that means you can Incense breed Ditto from gen 3 and beyond?
I think incenses should work with Ditto in every game since gen 3, but I never checked.
0 votes

It works from gen 3 and on. If you give either parent the incense you get the happiny or whatever other Pokemon only able to be bred with an incense.
There are no specific Pokemon it does not work for.

Source: experience. I bred a female marill with a ditto holding the sea incense and got an azurill. when I replaced the marill with a male one I still got an azurill.

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–2 votes

All of them


What's your source?