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I was in the chat room asking if torkoal is good. Someone said that Camerupt is better. Is this true, or should I keep torkoal?

Camerupt has better attacking stats and a better offensive typing. Neither is all that great though, with the amount of Water types in the game.
Did you already catch a Torkoal and level it up? What level is it?
Probably Ninetales is better when you don't have Blaziken with you.
I did not catch a torkoal yet, but because camerupt is trash, I chose torkoal. Most people chose torkoal over camerupt because camerupt is 4x weak to water. Someone from a forum said this: Torkoal is a little better than Camerupt in my choice. Its defenses are way better than Camerupt; however Camerupt's attack power is higher. Since they both have low speed, they are most likely to go last anyway. What difference does it make if Torkoal's base speed is 20, and Camerupt's 20 points higher. Nothing really since the pokemons you are going to battle will be faster. Go with Torkoal for the defense because you will need it to survive the first attack at least.
Camerupt isn't trash
It is trash if you compare it to Swampert.
what if they didn't choose Swampert?

2 Answers

1 vote


Camerupt's stats:

HP: 70
Attack: 100
Defense: 70
Sp. Atk: 105
Sp. Def: 75
Speed: 40

Torkoal's stats:

HP: 70
Attack: 85
Defense: 140
Sp. Atk: 85
Sp. Def: 70
Speed: 20

In-game, offense matters more then defense, so Camerupt is better.


Camerupt @ Anything
- Flamethrower (TM35)
- Earthquake (Lv 37)
- Rock Slide (Lv 33)
- Strengh (HM04)

Torkoal @ Anything
- Flamethrower/Heat Wave (Lv 30/46)
- Rock Slide (TM06)
- Return (TM27)
- Fire Blast (TM38)

Gyms, Elite 4 and Champion

Good against Flannery
Decent against Norman
Good against Winona
Bad against Tate & Liza
Bad against Juan
Decent against Sidney
Decent against Phobe
Decent against Glacia
Bad against Drake
Bad against Wallace

Good against Flannery
Decent against Norman
Decent against Winona
Bad against Tate & Liza
Bad against Juan
Decent against Sidney
Decent against Phobe
Decent against Glacia
Bad against Drake
Bad against Wallace

Source: Serebii and Pokebase

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if you need a offensive Pokemon, use Camerupt, but if you need a defensive Pokemon, choose Torkoal. Personally I prefer Camerupt, because it's dual type and because of its Erruption.

Torcoal is is great tank. Camrupt is a better attacker. If this is ingame and not competive I would chose Camrupt. If this for a competive fight go with Torcoal.

So it just depends what you need, and what you’re using it for.

Source: https://forums.serebii.net/threads/camerupt-or-torkoal.108911/

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