PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I just reset from before opening the box in a Pokemon Black rom 5 consecutive times, getting the exact same gender and stats in every category every time. I also reset the game entirely before this, but I assume getting the same spread was just a coincidence. This has left me curious on what exactly decides a Starter's IVs in the Generation V Games, and when that happens.

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Not a full answer, but https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/bw_rng_intro Also depending on what ROM you're using, it might generate its random numbers before you save it, so you might be unable to change them by resetting.
If you get the same nature everytime, then it is definitely something with the ROM your using

1 Answer

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In Pokemon games the IVs of the Pokemon are generated by the games and cannot be changed.

From Bulbapedia

Each of the six stats has an IV associated with it, with that IV coming into calculation alongside the Pokémon's base stats, Nature, and EVs to determine the actual stat number. A Pokémon's IVs are fixed when it is generated by the game (i.e. when it is encountered in the wild or given to the player by an NPC), and cannot be changed (although Hyper Training causes stats to become values corresponding the maximum IVs).


From Pokemon Database

IVs are randomly assigned when you encounter any wild Pokémon (or receive it as a gift or egg). You cannot change a Pokémon's IVs once caught and there is no way to know the exact IVs in-game.


So there is nothing that exactly decides IVs, its just random numbers generated by the game or ROM you are using and cannot be changed by resetting.

Hope you got what you want from these sources.

Hope I helped.

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what's your source?