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I am currently playing Pokemon Black 2 and want a nice HM mule to take care of garbage HMs. In my Platinum playthrough, I used the infamous Bibarel which learned all the garbage HMs. But since it is Unova, can anyone recommend a good HM mule other than water types because water type HMs are strong... someone who can know Cut, Strength, Rock Smash etc etc.

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Hydragon and maybe Basculin if you select Oshawott for the starter Braviary and Samurott yo have to use one of the water type man sorry
Flagging because this needs more editing.
Samurott has access to every HM except for Fly, so that is probably the best.  Fly can possibly be covered by Braviary who has access to Cut Fly and Strength so that Samurott only has to run Surf, Dive and Waterfall.
Samurott and Hygreigon can learn a lot of HMs only after getting a lot of experience and evolving. A better HM mule, like Braviary, should be able to learn a lot of HMs without getting any experience.
I sincerely thank you for all the answers but SAMUROTT is a starter besides I chose SNIVY....Also Braviary is not available in BLACK2 :[.........Also Hydreigon is a good option as you all stated but its a Pseudo Legendary so might not be the best option but I still appreciate all of you guys who commented in my question.....THANK YOU.....ALOLA ALOLA

2 Answers

1 vote

I think the best HM mules are Psyduck and either Braviary or Mandibuzz. Braviary and Mandibuzz can both cover cut and fly, and Psyduck covers the other 4 HMs. All of these Pokemon should be obtainable relatively early.

0 votes

The best HM mules for Black 2 are:
Watchog and golduck
I would simply swap them when either is required. Patrat and psyduck can be found pretty early too. Golduck covers water HMS like waterfall and surf. Watchog learns cut, strength and flash.
See the source for more information!
Hope I helped!
Skip to 17:38

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Cut, waterfall, and dive are not required, either. And even if learning fly is not good, how are Braviary/Mandibuzz worse than Watchog? Both work for people who have a permanent fly user, and Braviary/Mandibuzz also work for people without one.
>I sincerely thank you for all the answers but SAMUROTT is a starter besides I chose SNIVY....Also Braviary is not available in BLACK2 :[.........Also Hydreigon is a good option as you all stated but its a Pseudo Legendary so might not be the best option but I still appreciate all of you guys who commented in my question.....THANK YOU.....ALOLA ALOLA
commented 1 day ago by Dumb_Pika
In that case, how is Watchog better than both Braviary and Mandibuzz?
It learns strength which is required to beat the game.
Why don't you just teach strength to Psyduck?