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8 votes

I beat all 16 Gym Leaders and need to train my main Pokemon to beat Red (all upper 50s at the moment).

However, I would like to delete some of the HM moves (so I can give Feraligatr a move like Earthquake instead of Cut) and put them all on one or two particular Pokemon. Which Pokemon are the best for such a task? They don't need to be high level.

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8 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Note that the original question asked for post-game HM slaves. However, I decided to post a more general answer because this question is one of our top 100 most searched questions, and I highly doubt that 800 people per week are looking for post-game HM slaves.

Krabby is probably the best HM slave for most of the game. It can be caught without using any HMs (by using an old rod in Cherrygrove City), and it learns rock smash, cut, strength, surf, and whirlpool without evolving.

Farfetch'd is the only Pokemon that can be caught before defeating Chuck (on Routes 47 or 48 in the morning or daytime) and can learn fly and another HM without evolving. It's not that great, but you don't have many better options.

Krabby unfortunately can't learn waterfall. At this point in the game, your best option is probably Golduck, which can be found by surfing in Ilex forest and learns rock smash, strength, surf, waterfall, and rock climb.

Once you defeat Lance and reach the post-game (or the second half of the game), it's time to get yourself a real fly user. These are the only options that learn at least 3 other HMs without needing to evolve.

Lugia: Whirl Islands, can't learn cut and rock climb
Latias: roaming Kanto (HG), can't learn rock smash, strength, rock climb
Latios: roaming Kanto (SS), can't learn rock smash, strength, rock climb

The best Pokemon to use with any of these fly users is probably Lickitung, which can be caught on Route 44 and learns cut, rock smash, strength, and rock climb (and surf and whirlpool, but the 3 fly users learn them too).

Of course, if you want to ignore all of this math, you can just use 2 Smeargles (or any Pokemon that learns 4 HMs and a Smeargle that knows the other 4). You'll want heart scales to re-learn sketch after sketching each move, and I think the fastest way to get them is by smashing rocks in Violet City or Tohjo Falls.

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Wooper / Quagsire make a very good water slave because it learns all 3 water HMs, along with Rock Smash and (after evolving) Strength, and is obtainable without needing Surf. It's also a bit easier to get than Krabby, due to the location of the Old Rod.
19 votes

Listed in order of preference/availability:

Nidorina/Nidorino: Cut, Strength, Rock Smash. Evolve to Nidoking/Nidoqueen and you also get Surf, Whirlpool and Rock Climb!

Tropius: Cut, Fly, Strength, Rock Smash, and also the TM Flash which is very useful. This is my favourite HM Slave because it works great in conjunction with almost any water Pokemon. You can get it in the Pokewalker (Big Forest) in HG/SS.

Golduck: Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Rock Climb.

Poliwrath: Surf, Strength, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Whirlpool and Rock Climb. If you can't trade, Poliwhirl can learn all those except Rock Climb.

Kabutops: Cut, Surf, Whirlpool, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Rock Climb.

Skarmory: Cut, Fly, Rock Smash.

Rhydon: Cut, Surf, Strength, Rock Smash and Rock Climb. Rhyhorn is rare in Victory Road or Safari Zone but definitely worth getting.

Dragonite is also rare but you get given a Dratini in the game. It can learn everything except Rock Climb, but then you are wasting HMs on a great Pokemon, and it takes ages to level it up.

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Feraligatr Is Good One All But Fly Is Cool But Just Dont Because Its Ur Starter (If U Chose Feraligatr)
Tropius is unobtainable in HGSS, and Poliwrath, Kabutops, Rhydon, and Dragonite are all relatively difficult to evolve.
5 votes

Sandshrew can learn cut, rock smash, strength, and rock climb! However, very sorry, I have forgotten where to catch them.

Safarii Zone, desert.
3 votes

personally i use krabby as my hm slave
krabby can learn strength, surf, whirlpool and rock smash

2 votes

My two HM slaves are Lugia and Ursaring.

Lugia (waterfall, whirlpool, surf, fly)
Ursaring (cut, strength, rock climb, rock break)

1 vote

Mew can learn every thing!!!!!!

Who would use mew as an hm slave?
1 vote

I would say the best HM slave for HG/SS would be Furret.

You get this Pokémon very early in-game and it can learn all the HM's except Waterfall(not sure about Fly).

You can look up each Pokemon's HM moves here. https://pokemondb.net/heartgold-soulsilver/hms You now have no excuse to be not sure about an HM move.
0 votes

I use Azzumarill,It can learn Surf,Rock Smash,Strenght,Whirlpool,Waterfall,and maybe Rock Climb.
