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Question says it all.This is for my Pokemon blue nuzlocke.

I believe Razor Leaf is stronger than Mega Drain (55 vs. 40 BP) so it depends on if you want that extra 15 BP.
Razor leaf also has a higher critical hit chance, which is pretty broken in gen 1 games.
I would want razor leaf,but it would be annoying to wait until lv 38,then evolve it.
What level is your Weepinbell at? Will you be using potions and ignoring Pokemon Centers, or will you be ignoring Pokemon centers and using potions?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Despite having to wait until level 38, you should go Razor Leaf. Razor Leaf is essentially twice as strong as Mega Drain due to its higher power and Gen 1's mechanics making it a nearly guaranteed critical hit. If you are playing by the 'use items but don't go to Pokecenters' rules, Mega Drain is even less valuable, since Potions are not that hard to access.

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My weepinbell is at lv 24.I am very early in the game too.I can use pokemon centers and potions.Also,should I use mega drain as a substitute(when I get it)for razer leaf or suck it up and teach my other pokemon mega drain and stick with vine whip?If you wanna know how early I am in the game,I haven't even gone to the ss anne yet.I've been grinding,so yeah.And thanks!
No problem. Which Pokemon do you have that you want to teach Mega Drain? If you already have a Pokemon you want to teach the move to, I think Vine Whip is fine until you get Razor Leaf.
I might teach it to my golbat.There are some other pokemon that learn mega drain,so I'm gonna put more onto this comment when I get other pokemon that can learn it.