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7 votes

For example you can skip Saffron gym in FrLg and directly take on the rest of the 7 gyms.

This doesn't include Cianwood / Olivine / Mahogany Gyms in GSC or HgSs, as you have to defeat all the three in order to proceed to Blackthorn City.

edited by
Lt. Surge
And that is all!
"This doesn't include Cianwood / Olivine / Mahogany Gyms in GSC or HgSs"

Where's your source?
This is definitely wrong. Defeating Byron is required to reach the seventh gym in every Sinnoh game.
@Mushroom Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?
If you say so. I guess I should make my question more clearer.
Honestly this is hard because multiple can be skipped and out in different order. but because you say while your on the victory road you have to be able to have them as the last when you got to the victory road. example you can get surf from fuschia then go to cinnabar then fight logs then Sabrina or Sabrina then koga as koga Blaine and Sabrina are interchangeable as leader five six and seven. though the proper order is of course koga 5 Sabrina 6 and Blaine 7. but technically excluding glitches or hacks none can in Kanto as Giovanni is only accessed and available after all Kanto gym leaders except him have been defeated.
Editor edit: I hope I put the periods in the correct places.

1 Answer

0 votes

"Until you reach Victory Road" is an interesting stipulation because it eliminates almost every Gym from every game --- no Victory Road can be accessed without obtaining eight Gym Badges, save for one. In Generation III only, Winona can be skipped until the Pokemon League, allowing you to clear Victory Road without ever fighting her.

  1. You fail Route 23's badge checks in Kanto.
  2. You can't get past the Reception Gate in Johto.
  3. Route 120 is impassable without defeating Winona and you can't get to Ever Grande City without Wallace in ORAS.
  4. You can't get to Celestic Town without the third, fourth, and fifth Badges in Sinnoh.
  5. There is no flexibility in Gym order in Unova, Kalos, or Galar.
  6. There are no Gyms in Alola.
  7. There is no Victory Road in Paldea. Though the Gyms can be challenged in any order and the Pokemon League is visible right after Mesagoza, you won't be allowed into the building until you get the eight official Badges.

If you want to be cheeky, you could say that you can skip the Fighting Dojo in Kanto indefinitely. If you'd like to be even cheekier, you could say that Paldea's "Victory Road" storyline can be commenced without earning a single Gym Badge.

Lol I didn't expect someone to answer this.

But ye, i actually meant just before badge checking.
If you can clear Victory Road without fighting Winona, does that mean you can challenge the Pokemon League too?
Two NPCs bar access to Sidney until you obtain all eight Gym Badges, so unfortunately not.
The actual question was to reach the starting point of victory road, not clear it... sorry for the miscommunication