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Question says it all.You can include glitch Pokemon(if you want).

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I don't think there are any, sorry m8.
Umm,I though plusle and minun had none at level 1
If you aren’t sure, then please don’t answer the question.
do you want it for all gens or just in general at one point?
all gens
Ralts? Abra?

1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

Gen 1 Mons

  • Metapod, all gens
  • Kakuna, all gens
  • Poliwag, gens 4-7
  • Magikarp, all gens
  • Abra, all gens
  • Ditto, all gens
  • Voltorb, gens 4-6
  • Cubone, gens 2-7
  • Dratini, all gens

This list of Gen 1 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 2 Mons

  • Igglybuff, gens 2-7
  • Togepii, gens 2-7
  • Hoppip, all gens excluding USUM
  • Wobbuffet (debatable)
  • Smeargle (debatable)
  • Delibird (debatable)

This list of Gen 2 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 3 Mons

  • Castcoon, all gens
  • Silcoon, all gens
  • Seedot, gen 3-7 (debatable)
  • Ralts, gens 3-7
  • Azuril, gens 3-5
  • Meditite, gens 3-8 (debatable)
  • Plusle, gens 3-5
  • Minun, gens 3-5
  • Wailmer, gens 3-8
  • Spoink, gens 3-7
  • Feebas, gens 3-8 (Thanks TPB!)
  • Wynaut, gens 3-8 (debatable) (Thanks TPB!)
  • Beldum, gens 3-8
  • The Regis, gen 3-4 (debatable)

This list of Gen 3 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 4 Mons

  • Kricketot, all available gens (debatable)
  • Burmy, all available gens
  • Pachirisu, all available gens (debatable)
  • Bonsly, all available gens (debatable)
  • Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit, but only in D/P
  • Shaymin, all available gens

This list of Gen 4 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 5 Mons


This list of Gen 5 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 6 Mons

  • Spewpa, all available gens

This list of Gen 6 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 7 Mons

  • Bounsweet, all available gens (Thanks TPB!)
  • Pyukumuku, all available gens (Thanks TPB)
  • Cosmog, all available gens
  • Cosmoem, all available gens

This list of Gen 7 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 8 Mons

None!! (thanks TPB!)

This list of Gen 8 Pokemon is Completed.

Gen 9 Mons


source: my hgss guidebook, this site, the comments, other users, every single pokedex and generation page, and the moves list, I am done and will be back for gen 9. this took too long.

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I'll also add the unresolved tag to the og post since this isnt a full list
I guess it would be a good idea if you don't partially answer a post, X asked a meta post about that.
it's going to be a longass answer, esp he wants from all gens, and movesets change across generations. I wouldnt be surprised if its closed. it's also on the unresolved list.

This question is going to take a community effort
TY, let my try to help you. I'm gonna do sword and shield. I'll upload a pastebin when I'm done :)
thank you :)
I would love to help but knowing me imma give up halfway through a gen :P
If this answer doesn't resolve the question, why are you answering?
sumwun i literally said why. for someone to answer this, they'll have to go through all 800 pokemon and all 8 gens. it's going to take a long time
It's still frowned upon to not answer completely, so it's best to not answer at all until you have a complete answer.  If you are afraid of losing your progress, just use something where you can save your progress or just email your progress to yourself to keep track of where you are and not lose your progress.
someone flag my post and lets have a mod decide
I'm not saying you need to hide your answer, but just keep it in mind for future reference.
Also, Fizz has expressed his agreement for not posting unfinished answers in the Rules page as well.
no but i am tired of literally 3 people saying the exact same thing when i (personally) think in this situation it's okay. If you guys disagree flag for a mod to see it
I have a very strong urge to change uncompleted to incomplete lol
This is all of the Pokemon in the swsh dex, I don't think there are any new ones actually, but hopefully this helped. I can go through all of the new gen Pokemon in some time :)
Gen 3 seedot doesn't get damaging moves
it gets bide, which is debatable
I guess, but that's like counter and mirror coat then.
im taking a break from this, got up to gen 3 all completed
You forgot throh on gen 5.
it has bind level 1, thats an attacking move
oh lol I didn't see that.
Gen 8 doesn't have any TY. I checked.
You get a BA