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Just for curiosity. For example Magmar gains just 45 Base Stat Total after evolving. (495 BST to 540 BST). Please provide me with top ten such 'mons.

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Scyther evolves into scizor without any bst increase
Similarly Shedinja gains -30 stat points after evolving from Nincada. It should be the lowest.

2 Answers

3 votes

Top 10

  1. Nincada -> Shedinja (266 to 236) [-30]

  2. Scyther -> Scizor (500 to 500) [+0]

    • Caterpie -> Metapod (195 to 205) [+10]
    • Weedle -> Kakuna (195 to 205) [+10]
    • Wurmple -> Silicoon / Cascoon (195 to 205) [+10]
  3. Scatterbug -> Spewpa (200 to 213) [+13]

  4. Porygon-2 -> Porygon-Z (515 to 535) [+20]

  5. Type: Null -> Sivally (534 to 570) [+36]

  6. Magmar -> Magmortar (495 to 540) [+45]

    • Electabuzz -> Electivire (490 to 540) [+50]
    • Rhydon -> Rhyperior (485 to 535) [+50]
    • Trapinch -> Vibrava (290 to 340) [+50]
  7. Doublade -> Aegislash (448 to 500) [+52]

  8. Sandlie -> Krokorok (292 to 351) [+59]

why did you answer your own question when there's already an answer??
And the fact is that some part of it is copied from my answer (not talking about copyright law lmao).
But the answer *is* different. I wanted to add something. I would have found out myself when I asked this question. But I had exam. So I decided to answer now. Also, I did not copy Swastik. I checked everything before writing.
2 votes

Top 10

  1. Nincada --> Shedinja +(-30)
  2. Scyther --> Scizor +0
  3. Porygon2 --> Porygon-Z +20
  4. Type:Null --> Silvally +36
  5. Magmar --> Magmortar +45
  6. Electabuzz --> Electivire +50, and Rhydron --> Rhyperior +50
  7. Doublade --> Aegislash +52
  8. Mr. Mime-Galar --> Mr. Rime +60
  9. Magneton --> Magnezone and Dusclops --> Dusknoir +70
  10. Piloswine --> Mamoswine +80
    Mamoswine, Gligar --> Gliscor +80, Klang --> Klingklang and Sneasel --> Weavile+80

I only included final stage evolutions because you haven't told as clearly in your question.

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I didn't mention "only final stage".
Ok. Done.
I haven't included pre evolution and will not since all of them have one of the lowest BST increase. Also, +80 mons are so many that they will clog the answer so I will include only 4 of each.
ok add these two, Sivally and Aegislash. You missed it.
OK! Complete.