PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I know that there's already an answer, but I'd like to include my own.

  • Viola - Lvl. 11 through Lvl. 13

  • Grant - Lvl. 24 through Lvl. 28

  • Korinna - Lvl. 27 through Lvl. 34

  • Ramos - Lvl. 35 through Lvl. 38

  • Clemont - Lvl. 39 through Lvl. 41

  • Valerie - Lvl. 42 through Lvl. 44

  • Olympia - Lvl. 47 through Lvl. 52

  • Wulfric - Lvl. 56 through Lvl. 60

I like my Pokemons' levels to be a bit over the gym leaders' Pokemons' levels, but not too much because I want to be able to beat the gym leaders with one try but still have a little bit of a challenge because they're gym leaders.

I know you didn't exactly say that you wanted recommended levels for the Elite Four and the Champion, but I figured I might as well.

  • Malva/Wikstrom/Siebold/Drasna - Lvl. 65 through Lvl. 67

All of their Pokemon are within Lvl. 63 - Lvl. 65, so having your Pokemon be about 1-2 levels higher than theirs is reasonable.

  • Diantha - Lvl. 66 through Lvl. 70

All of Diantha's Pokemon are within Lvl. 64 and Lvl. 68, so again these levels are reasonable.

With the new EXP. Share, you don't have to grind too much (if at all) so it's easy to reach these levels, and I find that these levels are fairly reasonable.

Hope I helped!

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2 votes

10 - 13
24 - 26
28 - 31
30 - 33
34 - 36
37 - 40
44 - 46
54 - 57

I didn't include their Battle Chateau battles, as by the time you get around to fighting them, you should be extremely overlevelled, plus it's not technically a Gym fight. These levels are extremely easy to reach with the EXP Share, and you'll very likely end up overlevelled against more than a few of these Gym Leaders.

Hope I helped!
