PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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3 Answers

2 votes

Uknown's hidden power is not a real normal type move. Gengar only learns mean look. Spiritomb and Chandelure don't learn any either i am sure there are more.

2 votes

According to the German Pokéwiki all Pokémon except for Weedle can learn normal type attacks (letting hidden power count as a normal move)
Spiritomb and Chandelure have a lot of TMs and Gengar's Mean Look is still a normal type move

1 vote

as of generation 9, the following Pokemon cannot learn normal-type moves through leveling up (excluding moves learned from prior evolution stages)

  1. Weedle
  2. Zubat
  3. Golbat
  4. Abra
  5. Crobat
  6. Trapinch
  7. Burmy
  8. Wormadam (all 3 forms)
  9. Spiritomb
  10. Ducklett
  11. Swanna
  12. Hoopa (both forms)
  13. Morelull
  14. Shiinotic
  15. Cosmoem
  16. Blacephalon
  17. Blipbug
  18. Dottler
  19. Applin
  20. Snom
  21. Poltchageist
  22. Sinistcha

this list takes the most recent iteration of each Pokemon, i.e. if a Pokemon is not available in scarlet/violet, I looked at its legends: arceus moveset. if it is not available in legends: arceus either, I looked at its brilliant diamond/shining pearl moveset. if it is not available in brilliant diamond/shining pearl either, I looked at its sword/shield moveset. and so on through the mainline games in reverse release order to find the most recent, mainline moveset.

It seems like some of these Pokemon learn normal moves in every game except LA. I don't know if they should count, given how many moves they removed for that game.