PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I am looking for a resource that can tell me if a certain combination exists or not. Eg magic guard and skill swap, Pokemon that are fire type and can learn nasty plot, Pokemon that have moody and protect and other such combinations.


2 Answers

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Best answer

Yes. If I recall correctly, on Pokemon Showdown!, there is a filter option where you can filter for Abilities, Moves, and Types. To get to this, you click TeamBuilder and go to the Search Bar where you enter a Pokemon's name. In their, that is where you can filter for moves, etc by typing in the name of what you want. You can filter for multiple things as well.
Source: Experience.

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That doesn't really solve it though. I want to figure what pokemon have magic guard AND skill swap. That would require me to add each pokemon and then check
No, I mean that in the box where you enter Pokemon, you type Magic Guard and it should give you an option to filter.  Then type Skill Swap as well and click the Filter option.  It should tell you all the Pokemon that have Magic Guard as an ability that also learn Skill Swap.
Yeah, you are correct. You can also add moves and ability filter.
Oh cool, will check it. I never really explored it that much
1 vote

/dexsearch [parameter], [parameter], [parameter], ...: searches for Pokémon that fulfill the selected criteria
Search categories are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen, resists, recovery, zrecovery, priority, stat, weight, height, egg group.
Valid colors are: green, red, blue, white, brown, yellow, purple, pink, gray and black.
Valid doubles tiers are: DUber/DOU/DBL/DUU/DNU.
Types can be searched for by either having the type precede type or just using the type itself as a parameter; e.g., both fire type and fire show all Fire types; however, using psychic as a parameter will show all Pokémon that learn the move Psychic and not Psychic types.
resists followed by a type will show Pokémon that resist that typing (e.g. resists normal).
weak followed by a type will show Pokémon that are weak to that typing (e.g. weak fire).
asc or desc following a stat will show the Pokémon in ascending or descending order of that stat respectively (e.g. speed asc).
Inequality ranges use the characters >= for ≥ and <= for ≤; e.g., hp <= 95 searches all Pokémon with HP less than or equal to 95.
Parameters can be excluded through the use of !; e.g., !water type excludes all Water types.
The parameter mega can be added to search for Mega Evolutions only, the parameter gmax can be added to search for Pokemon capable of Gigantamaxing only, and the parameter Fully Evolved (or FE) can be added to search for fully-evolved Pokémon.
Alola, Galar, Therian, Totem, or Primal can be used as parameters to search for those formes.
Parameters separated with | will be searched as alternatives for each other; e.g., trick | switcheroo searches for all Pokémon that learn either Trick or Switcheroo.
You can search for info in a specific generation by appending the generation to ds or by using the maxgen keyword; e.g. /ds1 normal or /ds normal, maxgen1 searches for all Pokémon that were Normal type in Generation I.
/dexsearch will search the Galar Pokedex; you can search the National Pokedex by using /nds or by adding natdex as a parameter.
Searching for a Pokémon with both egg group and type parameters can be differentiated by adding the suffix group onto the egg group parameter; e.g., seaching for grass, grass group will show all Grass types in the Grass egg group.
The parameter monotype will only show Pokémon that are single-typed.
The order of the parameters does not matter.

