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This question just dawned on me

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2 Answers

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Ground-type Pokémon can be paralyzed, but not by Electric-type moves or by the Battle Arcade.
Generation VI
Electric-type Pokémon are now immune to paralysis.


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As of Generation VI, Electric-type Pokémon are immune to paralysis.


1) Stun Spore
2) A Pokemon with the ability Normalize (aka Delcatty or Skitty) using the paralyzing Electric-type attacks. Normalize make all attacks Normal-type.
3) Body Slam
4) Bounce
5) Dragonbreath
6) Force Palm
7) Glare
8) Lick
9) Tri Attack


Hope I helped!

How'bout in other generation ??? Such as Gen3 & Gen4.
+ Can Thunder Wave cause paralysis to Raichu, Ampharos, Lanturn (without Volt Absorb) ?
+ Can those 3 Electric Pokemons got paralysis from the 9 moves above ?
+ Can those 3 Electric Pokemons got paralysis from ability "Static" ?
How about ability "Synchronize" ??? How it works in all generation ?
* Electric type Pokemon only became immune to paralysis in Gen VI, so prior to that, yes -- your three examples could be paralysed.
* In every game prior to X and Y in which those moves existed and could cause paralysis, yes.
* Yes prior to Gen VI.
* Synchronize can paralyse Electric Pokemon prior to Gen VI.

Did you read the answer? All this is generally explained by the first sentence.