I’ll add on to this answer over time, as it’s a long question to answer.
Gen 1:
Kangaskhan- 490 BST
Pinsir- 500 BST
Tauros- 490 BST
Lapras- 535 BST
Ditto- 288 BST
Aerodactyl- 515 BST
Gen 2:
Unown- 336 BST
Girafarig- 455 BST
Dunsparce- 415 BST
Qwilfish- 440 BST
Shuckle- 505 BST
Heracross- 500 BST
Delibird- 330 BST
Skarmory- 465 BST
Stantler- 465 BST
Smeargle- 250 BST
Miltank- 490 BST
Gen 3:
Sableye- 380 BST
Mawile- 380 BST
Plusle/Minun- 405 BST
Volbeat/Illumise- 430 BST
Torkoal- 470 BST
Spinda- 360 BST... wait like 360 degrees.... whoa
Zangoose- 458 BST
Seviper- 458 BST
Lunatone- 460 BST
Solrock- 460 BST
Castform- 420 BST (all forms have the same stats)
Kecleon- 440 BST
Tropius- 460 BST
Absol- 465 BST
Relicanth- 485 BST
Luvdisc- 330 BST
Gen 4:
Pachirisu- 405 BST
Chatot- 411 BST
Spiritomb- 485 BST
Carnivine- 454 BST
Rotom- 440 BST (base form), 520 BST (Heat, Mow, Wash, Frost, and Fan forms)
Gen 5:
Audino- 445 BST
Throh- 465 BST
Sawk- 465 BST
Basculin- 460 BST
Maractus- 461 BST
Sigilyph- 490 BST
Emolga- 428 BST
Alomomola- 470 BST
Cryogonal- 515 BST
Stunfisk- 471 BST
Druddigon- 485 BST
Bouffalant- 490 BST
Heatmor- 484 BST
Durant- 484 BST
Again, it’s a work in progress.