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Awhile ago I link traded for a shiny necrozma and everything checked out, it was even in a cherish ball, seems legit. But for some reason only now has it popped into my mind that I've read that people have said they werent able to trade cherishball Pokemon. Is the shiny necrozma legit?


2 Answers

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Best answer

Any Pokémon can be traded to anyone through link trades, but almost every event Pokémon nowadays has a special event ribbon that prevents it from going up on GTS or Wonder Trade. A lot of hackers will try recreating event Pokémon with everything except the ribbon, so that they can still trade them on GTS/WT.

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Can you trade it: Yes. In sword and shield you can trade any Pokemon to anybody

Is it legit: probably not. Shiny necrozma was released in one event in South Korea about a year and a half ago. The chances that somebody would trade that are very slim and it would be a lot easier to just hack them in and then trade them away

Wasn't it released in Japan? Also I'll just add all the details of it so you can determine if its legit: name is in Japanese, level 75, cherish ball, Ot is a name in Japanese that starts with a character that looks like a "U", id number 000132, alolan origin symbol, moonlight, substitute, light screen (in that order), classic ribbon.
No in a jethrotex video about the hardest shiny Pokemon to get he says that it was in South korea
Oh! You're talking about the one released in South Korea for the pre order of sword and shield, im talking about the one released for the swsh secret member club
Idk if it was for the prerelease of sword and shield I know it was in usum. But I do also know that there is one for the pre release of SwSh for a Blaine's vid. You should check the bulpapedia page for necrozma event releases. It's on there