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I would like to know about both competitive and in game battles, including battle tree. Seems a pretty fun but gimmick one....

Could I have kind of pros and cros or something like that?

Oh, I have seen people giving him sitrus berries to hold.. But wouldn't be better those pinch-berries? I'm missing something?

I've tried using it with Assault Vest with up-and-down results. A very strong Pokemon in school form. Earthquake, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, and...Iron Tail?
In game it's fine. Leveled up a bit higher than the opps it's high stats means it usually one shots most Pokémon pretty comfortably. Competitively, it's too slow and unreliable. Not worth using.
well yeah don't ever use it in high tiers lol, it's way too squishy and slow for that

3 Answers

1 vote

I'd say wishiwashi is decent. With tr support, its insane. Use it in doubles with a tr healer and you're good. Coverage is terrible on it, but it hits hard enough for it not to matter much. I used this set in doubles

Evs: 252 hp, 252 atk, 4 spatk
Brave Nature
Earthquake- big damage
Scald-for physical walls
Aqua tail/Waterfall- for special walls
u-turn- I guess.

Evs: 200 hp, 252 def, 56 spdef
Sassy Nature
Heal pulse- to keep wishiwashi going strong
Trick room- to make wishiwashi go first
dazzling gleam-STAB, multi target
Psychic- STAB, single target

Why have a gardevoir as a trick room setter, when hatterne can take advantage of it
Thanks for the sets! May give it a try. Upvoted.
0 votes

This Wishiwashi set is good in gen 8 NU.

Wishiwashi @ leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed nature
- U-turn
- scald
- rest
- sleep talk


0 votes

Wishiwashi @ Assault Vest
Ability: Schooling
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Mud Shot
- U-turn

Assault vest gives it extra longevity and helps it against grass and electric moves which are mostly special.

I like to use hydro pump, but you can use scald, surf, or muddy water. If you're using this as part of a trick room doubles team (you should be) then I recommend anything but surf.

Ice beam is a pretty obvious choice for any water type. I can't recommend that you replace it with anything else.

You could use earthquake, but I really favor mud shot. I think it works better on a doubles team, and you're only losing 20 base power when using max quake from mud shot as opposed to earthquake. You could easily swap this out for earthquake, but a teammate such as stakkataka or heatran would certainly appreciate not being hit by a 100 bp 4x effective move.

U-turn isn't super necessary. It's a great move, but it's not as useful on a wishiwashi as it would be on something else. If you were going to replace this with anything else, I would replace it with any of the options I gave to replace other moves.
