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I would have thought that ash wouldn't just abandon his Pokemon like that, plus he promised he would come back for it.

Thank you for your answer i will wait a bit longer for more answers but yours is a great one

1 Answer

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He said he would find Greninja again to, but it was like Greninja never existed in Sun and Moon. I would say that Pigeot is long gone, but maybe it'll make another appearance. Maybe the next anime will feature both Pigeot and Greninja, guess we won't know until it comes out. Anyway, hope this helped.

To add on, I feel pidgeot is more of a symbol for Ash. Pidgeot was a reminder of his first journey and his drawbacks in first becoming a pokemon trainer. When he released pidgeot, he released his past and is looking forward to his future journeys. The idea of Ash coming back is a paradox since he released other pokemon in other regions, further contradicting his statements of coming back to them.
Wow that's a cool answer! Never would've thought of it....!
Of course, he also left Pidgeot behind to protect the Pidgey and Pidgeotto from the Fearow that he personally created...  They were living in terror of it until Ash passed back through, and he and his Pidgeotto (who then evolved into Pidgeot) got involved again.