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What are all the different threats to Shedinja with either of these abilities? I'd appreciate a separate list detailing threats to Wonder Guard and Sturdy Shedinja, respectively.

And by threats, I do mean anything and everything that can affect Shedinja with either ability.

Moderator note: This question has received multiple responses that were unsatisfactory. Before answering, please ensure that you have listed all the different threats for both abilities in your response. Please do not answer saying that Shedinja cannot get Sturdy. We know that.

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Your in hackmons, right? Otherwise, you can only use wonder guard.
What do you want to do with this Shedinja? Do you want to battle other people or something else?
I am using hacked Pokémon for this, mainly in White 2. I'm going to be battling in-game trainers as well as a few friends, but I really just want to know what kinds of attacks can hit both variations of this Pokémon.
Not complete list: everything blocked by magic guard, destiny bond, perish song, self-inflicted fainting (like memento), everything that changes or suppresses abilities (like mold breaker), curse
Sturdy- with Shedinja, the makes it unkillable to normal attacks. Exceptions to this are Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike, Moongeist beam, any attack by a Pokemon with Teravolt/ turbo blaze/ Mold breaker, weather, and status conditions. Personally, I suggest you use safety goggles for a sturdy shedinja, and give it magic coat. If used right, counters anything. plus, most in-game trainers can't deal with shedinja.
If you're using shedinja in doubles, flame burst is something to watch out for. the secondary effects bypass the ability and deal damage normally.  

Wonder guard- hit by ghost, dark, fire, rock, and flying, some of the most common attacks in the game. also, struggle (the move that you use after you can't use any of your other moves) hits as a typeless attack, so it hits through wonder guard
This answer is definitely not complete. Please either complete it or convert it to a comment.
I will do so if whoever asked the question asked me to. If it is incomplete for you, post a better answer yourself. Mine answers the question, its only purpose.
I asked the question and I would appreciate a complete answer rather than an incomplete one. You're hurting the question by leaving the answer as it is, because people viewing the post think it's already been asnwered.
I'm converting this to a comment, either way. You're not answering the question only for the person who asked it. Someone may happen upon this thread later hoping for a complete response, but not finding one.
Could someone explain how this is not complete? I honestly don't understand. I thought I answered the question
It didn't include flame burst.
that's it? I thought it was more serious.

but also, the only way to get sturdinja without going through the hoops of swapping abilities is to use Hackmons, which has no double battles. therefore, the secondary effect of Flame burst can't hit shedinja.
It also didn't include struggle.
I always forget about that.
It also didn't include rough skin.
that's not an attack
I'm not just looking for attacks. I want to know everything that can deal damage to Wonder Guard Shedinja and everything that can deal damage to Sturdy Shedinja so I can compare the two.
Wonder Guard means that only super effective hits actually damage Shedinja. These are Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Ghost-, and Dark-type attacks.
Sturdy causes it to be hit by everything except it's immunities (Normal & Fighting), but as it has 1HP, it will keep max HP and be able to use infinite Sturdies. Status and weather kills it the same either way.
Sturdy is better in my opinion, because it HAS to be hit by a Multi-Hit attack to be defeated, but Wonder Guard only requires any of the aforementioned types of attack to faint. However, be wary of Weather, Poison, Burn, Confusion, and Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Stealth Rock users.
Edit-Damage dealing abilities should work normally, but I'm honestly not sure about Struggle. It's almost never seen so it doesn't really impact Shedinja.
This answer still doesn't include struggle or rough skin...
Sorry sumwun. This is my first answer.
Sturdy Shedinja still can be hurt by Leech Seed, hazards, poison, burn, damage from contact (Rough Skin, Rock Helmet, etc), moves that ignore abilities (Moongeist Beam, Photon Geyser), Struggle, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, Mold Breaker and multi-strike attacks (Rock Blast, Water Shuriken, etc), and probably Fire Spin, Wrap, Infestion.
The difference is that Wonder Guard Shedinja can be hurt by supereffective moves and all things listed above.
I think this is the third answer that doesn't include struggle or rough skin.
I asked for all the different threats to Sturdy and Wonder Guard Shedinja, so please edit your answer to include everything or convert it to a comment.
Really the only way for shedinja to get sturdy is is something like a sudowoodo used entrainment. You know, after using copycat first on another entrainment pokemon.
Sturdy Shedinja still takes no damage from multi-strike attacks because each strike leaves Shedinja with full HP and lets sturdy activate again. Wonder guard Shedinja is immune to infestation. Both will faint if they use curse, and both are immune to wrap.
Please edit your answer to include everything or convert it to a comment.
Multi-hit moves don't faint sturdinja, sturdy activates each time. Your research is incomplete.
I have converted a couple of answers to comments, as they were incomplete. This may make the string of comments above difficult to read.
I'm going to put a notice on this question to help filter out incomplete responses. There are some hidden responses on this post that say 'Shedinja can't get Sturdy', in addition to this. I will make reference to that as well.
Sturdy Shedninja
It has the exact same weaknesses that normal shedninja has but it has one advantage:
with sturdy, it makes it immune to all attacking moves because it's HitPoint stat is one.
Anywhoo here are the things you can sweep sturdy shedninja with:

-Leech Seed
-Spikes (Set up before)
-Stealth Rock (Set up before)
-Toxic Spikes (Set up before)
-Entrainment (Maybe)
-Gastro Acid
-Simple Beam
-Worry Seed
-Mold Breaker (Ability)
-Rough Skin (Ability)
-Moongeist Beam
-Sunsteel Strike
That's all I can think of
Plain old shedninja
what weaknesses do you have?
obviously wonder guard eliminates all moves except Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, And Dark.
So we add those to the list
But that's pretty much it.
This answer still doesn't include struggle or rough skin.
To anyone posting an answer, please read the string of comments above to ensure you have ALL threats to BOTH Wonder Guard and Sturdy Shedinja in your answer. Most threats have already been commented on. Please provide comprehensible and thorough details in your answer.

1 Answer

3 votes

Sturdy: It cannot be damaged by normal attacks, the threat lies in:

  • Sandstorm or Hail damage,
  • damaging status (Burn, Poison, Bad Poison),
  • Stealth Rock, Spikes or Toxic Spikes upon switch-in,
  • Mold Breaker,
  • Teravolt and Turboblaze,
  • Rough Skin,
  • Leech Seed,
  • Flame Burst in doubles (as secondary effects ignore it),
  • anything to change or negate Shedinja's ability (Role Play, Entrainment, Simple Beam, Skill Swap, Worry Seed, Neutralizing Gas, Gastro Acid, Mummy, Core Enforcer)
  • moves that ignore Abilities (Photon Geyser, Moongeist Beam, Sunsteel Strike, etc.)
  • Curse by a Ghost-type (or used by Shedinja),
  • self-inflicted fainting (Explosion, Self-Destruct, Memento),
  • Rocky Helmet,
  • Destiny Bond,
  • Fire Spin,
  • Sand Tomb,
  • Struggle,
  • Aftermath damage,
  • Infestation

Wonder Guard: the list above, minus Sand Tomb and Core Enforcer, and Fire-, Flying-, Rock-, Ghost- and Dark-type moves.

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you put it on the sturdy list and then said that everything on the sturdy list also damaged the wonder guard
This is a great list, KitkatKK2, but could you please edit your answer to be in a bulleted list to make it more comprehensible? This would be a great help to anyone viewing the question. And could you specify what changes or negates Shedinja's ability?
What about infestation and core enforcer?
Bug type, it’s immune to infestation, I’ll add core enforcer
Wonder guard Shedinja is immune to core enforcer.