Sturdy Shedninja
It has the exact same weaknesses that normal shedninja has but it has one advantage:
with sturdy, it makes it immune to all attacking moves because it's HitPoint stat is one.
Anywhoo here are the things you can sweep sturdy shedninja with:
-Leech Seed
-Spikes (Set up before)
-Stealth Rock (Set up before)
-Toxic Spikes (Set up before)
-Entrainment (Maybe)
-Gastro Acid
-Simple Beam
-Worry Seed
-Mold Breaker (Ability)
-Rough Skin (Ability)
-Moongeist Beam
-Sunsteel Strike
That's all I can think of
Plain old shedninja
what weaknesses do you have?
obviously wonder guard eliminates all moves except Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, And Dark.
So we add those to the list
But that's pretty much it.