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If you have a good competitive moveset for Morpeko, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Morpeko Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Morpeko Full Belly sprite Morpeko Hangry sprite

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8 Answers

2 votes

Tier: RU

Scout (Morpeko) @ Life Orb
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Parting Shot
- Protect
- Psychic Fangs

Although this is only one different move from NebbyY's, I prefer a more offense-based Morpeko, but I like the idea of being able to switch what Aura Wheel I want, whenever I want. And whenever immunities or defensive matchups present a challenge, Parting Shot is your escape route. The difference here is Psychic Fangs will do considerable damage to Virizion and Vileplume. With a little prediction magic, you should be able to subdue these threats by first throwing an Aura Wheel in anticipation and following with a Psychic Fang. It also OHKOs Hitmonlee if they're gutsy enough to switch into your Dark Aura Wheel.

Alternatively, you could use Seed Bomb to nuke Gastrodon, but it helps less with other Pokemon throughout the tier (it even does surprisingly little to Rhydon, who has a 4x weakness to Grass). It hits Mudsdale super-effectively as well, but it's not ideal given they all run Stamina. You could Parting Shot it afterward if that happened. Anyway, I prefer Psychic Fangs. Let me know if you guys like it - I know it looks situational, but I have confidence that if you play RU you know what I'm going after.

1 vote

Morpeko @ Leftovers
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Parting Shot
- Protect
- Rapid Spin

A bulky Morpeko that can get rid of hazards. Aura Wheel for STAB. Parting Shot for fast pivoting. Protect for Leftovers recovery and to change to the desired form. Rapid Spin to spin away hazards.

1 vote

Morpeko @ Choice Band / Life Orb
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Protect / Psychic fangs
- Brick Break
- Seed Bomb

Aura Wheel is STAB, Ice Fang is coverage. Protect can be used for scouting, as well getting a free switch to change the Aura Wheel typing, for example if you are a Ghost type, you will usually want to have the Dark type Aura Wheel. Brick Break and Seed Bomb are coverage for Normal, Rock, Ice, Dark, Steel, Water, and Ground types. Lots of coverage with these moves. If you are Banded, then you can't really use Protect, my mistake XD use Psychic Fangs instead. If you have Life Orb, Protect is good. Thanks Ignis Aqua Herba for reminding me :D.

Life Orb I would use over Choice Band, but they're both very viable.

Have fun using this set, hope I helped! :D

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I'd recommend having another move as an option over Protect if you're going to use Choice Band
oh yeah XD what an oversight lol
Don't you mean Psychic fangs? You said "Aura Wheel is STAB, Ice Fang is coverage" Yet Psychic fangs is optional for Protect when you are Banded(or maybe Life Orbed, but Banded makes more sense).
0 votes

Morpeko @ Leftovers / Shell Bell
Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP

Aura Wheel - Two types of moves in one, +Speed
Protect - Get the type of Aura Wheel you want
Brick Break - Coverage against Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark, + Atk when Dynamax
Ice Fang/Psychic Fangs - Coverage against Appletun or Fighting weakness

0 votes

This set is one I came up with when I was bored
Gen 8
Light Ball ≠ Pikachu (Morpeko) @ Light Ball
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Fling
- Protect / Thunder Wave
- Parting Shot

Yes. I'm aware this Pikachu clone holds Light Ball. I'll get to that. Aura Wheel is STAB. Fling is to do damage along with paralyzing your opponent because of Light Ball. This is to help your slow offensive teammates. Protect is to change forms, or you can use Thunder Wave to continue paralyzing opposing Pokémon. Parting Shot is for pivoting.

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0 votes

Gen 8 ZU

Morpeko @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Seed Bomb
- Psychic Fangs
- Endure

Aura Wheel is STAB that can be an electric or dark type, depending on the form. Seed Bomb deals with ground types. Psychic Fangs deals with fighting types. Endure allows you to survive an attack and can be used to help out get the Aura Wheel type you need, and also helps to activate your Weakness Policy.

0 votes

Morpeko (jolly nature)
EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 HP
Ability: Hunger Switch
Held item: Air Balloon
Move set:
Aura Wheel
Seed Bomb
Pyschic Fangs
Air Ballon is useful for dealing with pesky ground types and with seed bomb I can safely get in one or two of them before ground types become a problem. Aura Wheel is obviously a must have for stab and speed boosting. Pyschic Fangs is good for coverage against fighting types and being a pyschic version of brick break is icing on the cake. The last move can be anything honestly. You could run protect, some other utility move, or even another stab like foul play, but I like outrage because it's a hard hitting move that can last 2-3 turns and gives coverage against dragon types. Plus it fits Morpeko thematically being a move based on anger and Morpeko constantly switching in and out of its hangry form

0 votes

Name: Morpeko
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 4HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed
Nature: Naughty
- Aura Wheel
- Power Trip
- Stomping Tantrum
- Ice Fangs/ Psychic Fangs

Aura Wheel: STAB, STAB
Power Trip: Aura Wheel's speed raise
Stomping Tantrum: Steel and other Electric Pokemon, Most of the Ground type Pokemon comes with Rock so...
Ice Fangs/ Psychic Fangs: Deal with Ground and Fighting
