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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Cursola, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Cursola Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Cursola sprite

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7 Answers

3 votes

Defensive Calm Mind

Cursola @ Lum Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Strength Sap
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Earth Power / Ice Beam

What separates Cursola from its superior defensive pre-evolution is its higher Sp. Atk stat, and ability to wall both physical and special attackers with its access to Perish Body and Strength Sap, forcing the opponent to switch out. Though this forces Cursola to switch out in 3 turns as well, its ability to wall before getting away can be helpful. Calm Mind is used to boost up Cursola's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats, with those two stats already being high, making Cursola a mixed wall. Shadow Ball is Cursola's best STAB move, and Earth Power is another move that can be used. However, Ice Beam can be used instead, as Flying Types can give Cursola a hard time. Lum Berry is used for this set to prevent Cursola from being crippled by status effects. Leftovers can also be used for slightly more healing, though Strength Sap already patches it up. The EV spread used maximizes Cursola's defensive needs, as its defense stat is very poor. A Bold nature is used to boost up its defense stat, and the 0 attack IVs are used to protect Cursola from Foul Play.

3 votes

Cursola @ Life Orb
Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
• Will-O-Wisp
• Hex
• Strength Sap
• Earth Power

• Will-O-Wisp: Give them a burn to weaken physical attacks
• Hex: Powerful STAB when opponent is burned
• Strength Sap: Healing the life orb damage, lowers attack
• Earth Power: Covers steel, electric, fire, poison, and rock. Therefore the best coverage move

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by ground do you mean rock types?
Oh yeah whoops thank you
2 votes

Offensive Sash Set Up
Cursola @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 36 SpA / 220 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam / Psychic
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock / Endure
( Endure and Calm Mind)
The combination of weak armor and focus sash allows you to outspeed some of the speed tiers, giving you the chance to inflict a lot of damage. The 252 evs in Spe and Spe boosted nature is necessary for the amount of speed you need to outspeed your opponents. The 220 SpD is necessary for surviving a max SpA from dragapult. And rest is put into SpA to get off as much damage as possible. You could lower cusola's SpD for SpA but you could run the risk of getting OHKO'd. Plus galarian corsola with max SpD (except with a +SpD nature) is GUARANTEED to be 2HKO'd by shadow ball. Shadow ball is there for stab, earth power is for toxipex, fire types, and steel types. Ice beam is useful dragon types, flying types like Mandibuzz that can tank shadow balls and fly over earth power. Psychic is more adept for handling toxipex but leaves you open to dark types and stealth rock is stealth rock. You could run with endure in place for stealth rock if you are confident you can predict your opponent to attack (with a physical attack) raising your speed, and to attack you again while you endure getting to +4 speed. You could also run endure, calm mind, shadow ball, and any other move you want. The game plan would be to calm mind as the sash is broken and then endure next turn expecting to be hit. At +4 speed cursola would have 522 speed with +1 SpA... Except priority moves like bullet punch or shadow sneak or ice shard, which cursola isn't immune to, would end the sweep easily. Also you would have less attacking moves to use, increasing the chance for the sweep to end. Cursola can learn a lot of special type moves so it is very adaptable to any team you place it on. Just be wary of any way the sash can be broken like: spikes, toxic spikes, poison, burn, sandstorm, hail, steel spikes (dynamax), etc.

1 vote

Trick Room Offensive Set

Cursola @ Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Strength Sap / Earth Power
- Psychic
- Surf / Ice Beam / Giga Drain / Power Gem

Strength Sap (for life orb version)

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Wut abt 0 atk
Wouldn't you want perish body because it doesn't raise it's Speed stat.
0 votes

Galarian Corsola (Ghost)

Corsola-Galar @ Eviolite
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
-­ Whirlpool / Mirror Coat
­- Will-O-Wisp
­- Night Shade
­- Strength Sap

Whirlpool traps the opponent in order to burn it with Will-O-Wisp. If you prefer a damaging move, then you can pick Mirror Coat as well. Night Shade is for a steady 50/100 HP damage. Strength Sap is basically a full restore which will also lower the opponent's attack.

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This is literally just the Smogon moveset.
It is similar to the Smogon moveset, yes. Smogon doesn't own the movesets, so one can post a Smogon moveset. They just can't post Smogon's actual content, i.e their moveset analysis. This moveset also has 128 Def and 128 SpD EVs, whereas the set on Smogon is physically defensive with 252 Def EVs.
Not saying it was wrong, just that its not new.
0 votes

Healer Offense (Doubles)
Cursola @ Big Root
Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Strength Sap
- Night Shade
- Ice Beam / Shadow Ball / Disable
- Giga Drain

Strength Sap- Lowers attack and heals (pairs well with big root)
Night Shade- Chips damage off of targets
Ice Beam/ Shadow Ball/ Disable- Ice beam for diversity, shadow ball for STAB, disable for support
Giga Drain- Damages and heals (pairs well with big root)

Cursola is honestly too overshadowed by it's pre evolved form. Yes, it doesn't as much defense, but I feel it's Special Attack and Special Defense more than make up for it. Perish Body can force physical attackers like Tyranitar, Excadrill, and Dracovish to switch out or faint. The big root is a forgotten item, and is easily overshadowed by other items, but since it gives more HP back from draining moves, including strength sap, it can bring Cursola back from a devastating blow. Cursola can and does thrive in trick room, but if you want to move last to heal, i'd advise against it. A teammate that works well with Cursola is Malamar with contrary, since using strength sap on Malamar gives it an attack boost, and cursola gets health (this works amazing in trick room)

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0 votes

Gen 8 OU
Defensive Perish Pool

Cursola @ Leftovers
Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature

  • Strength Sap
  • Whirlpool
  • Perish Song
  • Shadow Ball

Pretty Self Explanatory.

Appreciates clerical support from the likes of Chansey/Blissey.
An alternate set of Whirlpool / Strength Sap / Hex / Will-O-Wisp with Metronome which aims to spread burns while strategically eliminating walls like Quagsire / Toxapex / Mandibuzz without U-Turn who would potentially status you and go on their way is another option, you will struggle against Chansey / Blissey though.
Metronome so your Hex can't be recover-stalled.

Have a Good Day.

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