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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Toxtricity, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Toxtricity Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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12 Answers

3 votes

Toxtricity (Amped Form) @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 56 Atk / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Boomburst
- Shift Gear
- Drain Punch
- Overdrive

  • Boomburst (Very strong, and gets a boost from punk rock)
  • Shift Gear (doubles speed and gives an attack boost)
  • Drain Punch (damages the opponent, heals you)
  • Overdrive (punk rock boost and STAB)

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2 votes

Weakness Policy

Toxtricity @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Endure
- Shift Gear
- Boomburst / Stored Power / Sludge Wave
- Overdrive

Endure is to take the super effective hit and activate Weakness Policy. Shift Gear is for when you need to speed up and to boost Stored Power. Third moveslot can be Boomburst for raw Punk Rock boosted damage, Stored Power for niche coverage and when a Weakness Policy/Shift Gear is set up it will have a base power of 160, and Sludge Wave is STAB. Overdrive is a standard STAB boosted by Punk Rock.

thing is, Toxtricity only has 2 weaknesses and 8 resistances. :P

0 votes

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overdrive
- Boomburst
- Acid Spray
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Sludge Wave / Sludge Bomb / Thunderbolt / Thunder

  • Overdrive: Punk rock + STAB + throat spray=power
  • Boomburst: Power!!!
  • Acid spray: Cheap damage to power up other moves
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No overdrive? cid spray is preferred over sludge bomb/wave? Only 3 move slots? You recommend toxic on an offensive mon? This is all around trash.
I did put Overdrive(as the first move) and btw acid spray is just a preference u can always swap it out for any other move
0 votes

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overdrive
- Boomburst
- Toxic
- Hex

The problem with this Pokemon is that the majority of the good natures for this Pokemon will give you the low key form. That doesn't matter here as this moveset won't utilize either final level-up move. Although I will say the low key move is definitely more niche. If you want amped-up form or to utilize the final level-up move I recommend using a nature that negates itself, such as Hardy. Not the best option but cut your losses somewhere. Anywho moveset time:

1: OverDrive - Nice Stab
2: BoomBurst - Crazy powerful plus more with the ability.
3+4: Toxic + Hex! - I haven't played with this enough but I wanted to get this idea out there so people could try it. Starting with Toxic is always a good idea. Using Hex does double the damage to any Pokemon affected by a status condition.

Kinda different and this won't give you a poison stab move but who knows. I'm open to all suggestions and comments. I've stated this on other posts, but I'm the guys that goes against the grain and tinkers with movesets just to find something new and different.

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Toxic and hex combo? What about toxic and venoshock? Or even better, none of them. Shift gear to raise your mediocre speed and sludge bomb for STAB is just superior
here's my recommendation. Toxtricity is too frail to be using Toxic, since it dies to basically everything, and it has mediocre speed. Instead of Toxic+Hex, you can have another Pokemon set up Toxic Spikes (as long as the opponent doesn't have any poison types) and instead of Hex, you can use Venoshock, since it has the same base power as Hex, and gets STAB due to Toxtricity's posion typing. To replace Toxic, Shift Gear helps boost its speed. But sludge wave is usually more reliable than Venoshock
0 votes

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overdrive
- Shift Gear
- Boomburst
- Sludge Bomb

  • Overdrive - STAB + Ability + Item
  • Shift Gear - For mediocre Speed
  • Boomburst - Powerful + Ability + Item
  • Sludge Bomb - STAB + 30% Poison chance
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Toxtricity with a timid nature is low-key form and low-key can't lear shift gear so what other nature could you use.
You can mint the nature. Minting a Toxtricity's nature does not change its form. Start with an Amped form and change it.
Oh ty I forgot about those
I think getting Electro Ball on Timid Nature would be better
Electro Ball is a terrible, overrated move. This demonstrates you are not aware of the synergy involved with using Overdrive. As a sound move, it gets boosted by its ability, Punk Rock. Plus, Electro Ball gets weaker depending on the target.
0 votes

Stored Power Sweeper:

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overdrive
- Shift Gear
- Stored Power
- Boomburst / Sludge Wave / Sludge Bomb / Acid Spray

Using a combination of the Throat Spray item and Shift Gear, it is possible to get Stored Power to deal quite a lot of damage. Firstly, Overdrive is a solid sound move, that deals STAB damage and activates its Throat Spray. Going to the bottom, Boomburst fills a similar role, while the latter three options are used to deal STAB damage, and to have a good option against Soundproof. Shift Gear can be used to set up, and boost the power of stored power. Unfortunately, it increases Attack instead of Special Attack, but it still is helpful for the boost. If Shift Gear is used, the power of Stored Power increases to 80 automatically. If you use two Shift Gears and attack with a sound move once, the power is boosted up to 160! However, Toxtricity needs to be survive to pull this off, so I gave him 128 EVs in HP to help it.

Overall, this set can be used against a wide variety of Pokémon, but may struggle against ground types and Ferrothorn.


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0 votes

Darn it nebbyY, already did a physical toxricity set. We'll here's another one.

Toxtricity @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gunk Shot / Poison jab
- Drain Punch
- Wild charge

Shift gear is the best setup move in my opinion, and a +2 boost in speed and +1 in attack really helps gunk shot is a risky move, but it can ohko a max defense clefable. Here's the proof:252+ Atk Life Orb Toxtricity Gunk Shot vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 406-478 (103 - 121.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO. Nice huh? On the other hand, poison jab is for if you dont want any risks but it can't ko unless you crit. Drain punch to recover hp from a stab wild charge. And the best thing is, what usually walls it like magnazone and excadrill can be hit by a super effective drain punch, which are normally the best switch is on Toxtricity

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I didn't know it got Gunk Shot
iT dOeS(checks again to make sure. Yea it does)
Can you make a better technician setup? None of these moves would relieve the damage buff that the ability grants to lower power moves.
0 votes

This is going to be a special sweeper.
Toxtricity-Low-Key (M) @ Throat Spray / Any Berry
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Mild Nature
- Overdrive
- Hex
- Gunk Shot / Belch
- Boomburst
Overdrive is special and Punk Rock and Throat Spray makes the move stronger and it is STAB. Hex is for status. Belch is for a berry and it is STAB. Gunk Shot has 30% chance for poisoning the target and it is STAB. Boomburst gets powered up with the Punk Rock and Throat Spray.

0 votes

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Overdrive
- Sludge Wave
- Boomburst
- Noble Roar

Noble roar reduces opponent’s attack and boosts yours because of throat spray. Overdrive and Boomburst both are boosted by punk rock and it boosts your attack. Sludge Wave if your opponent tries to use throat chop or soundproof.

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0 votes

Support-Fighter Mix Toxtricity!
(Either forms work, but I prefer Low-Key since the colors are cooler imo :P)

Toxtricity (M) @ Throat Spray / Black Sludge
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 224 HP / 114 SpA / 184 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Discharge/Overdrive
- Toxic
- Thunder Wave / Sludge Wave / Drain Punch

Now here, this boy here mixes both as a decent fighter and as a supporter. Throat Spray raises your Sp. Atk after using Boomburst, while Black Sludge heals little by little. What's more, Black Sludge will also poison your foes if they use the Trick/Switcheroo strategy. Boomburst deals a crapload of damage, plus boosted by Punk Rock + Throat Spray if you choose the said item. Discharge/Overdrive is STAB. Both are equally good, though Discharge has a higher chance of Paralyzing (30%). Toxic is of course, to Poison your foes. Thunder Wave is to Paralyze if Discharge doesn't, and Sludge Wave is coverage against Fairy. Drain Punch is also an option, both to inflict damage and heal a bit.

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0 votes

Gen 9 RU Choice Specs

Toxtricity @ Choice Specs
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Overdrive
- Sludge Bomb / Snarl
- Volt Switch

I'm really surprised no one posted a Choice Specs Toxtricity set yet. This is a standard Choice Specs set with the Terastal mechanic for Gen 9. Overdrive is for a powerful Electric STAB that gets boosted by Punk Rock. Sludge Bomb is used for the Poison STAB since Toxtricity doesn't have Sludge Wave in Gen 9. Snarl can be to deal super effective damage to Palossand. Volt Switch is used to let Toxtricity switch out while dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. Tera Normal is used to make Boomburst a powerful STAB move that gets a x2 boost from STAB due to Tera, x1.5 from Choice Specs, and a x1.3 boost from Punk Rock. In other words, Tera Normal Boomburst becomes an incredibly powerful move that goes boom. Modest Nature is used to make Toxtricity hit even harder, while Timid Nature is used for more speed.

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Gen 9 RU Shift Gear

Toxtricity @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe or 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash / Naive / Modest / Timid Nature
- Shift Gear
- Boomburst
- Overdrive
- Drain Punch / Snarl

I know there are already similar sets on here, but I wanted to post one that utilizes the Terastal mechanic for Gen 9. Shift Gear is used to boost Toxtricity's speed. The rest of your moves barring Drain Punch are sound moves, which activate Throat Spray and are boosted by Punk Rock. Boomburst is a ridiculously powerful STAB move when you use Normal Tera. Overdrive is used for Electric STAB when you don't use your Tera on Toxtricity. Drain Punch lets you recover some HP and is useful against Chansey and Blissey. Snarl can be used instead to be able to do any damage to Palossand. The nature you use depends on what move you use in the 4th slot and wheter you want more power or more speed. Rash / Naive Nature is used if you use Drain Punch. Modest / Timid Nature is used if you use Snarl. Rash / Modest Nature is used for more power, while Naive / Timid Nature is used for more speed. The first EV spread is for if you use Drain Punch, while the second EV spread is for if you use Snarl.

No one seams to use toxtricity
This set was posted nearly two years ago, so the meta has changed significantly over time. It has pretty negligible usage at the moment and is PU at the time of this comment, so yeah you should probably not use it in RU.