Gen 9 NU Coil

Sandaconda @ Leftovers
Ability: Shed Skin
Tera Type: Dragon / Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Coil
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Dragon Rush
- Rest
Since Coil Sandaconda (or CoilConda, as I like to call it) is really good in NU and I enjoy using it, I'm posting its Coil set. Coil boosting Sandaconda's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy makes Sandaconda a very scary wincon should it be in a position to setup and clean through the opponent's team. Earthquake is used for a powerful STAB move. Stone Edge provides coverage against Pokemon such as Bombirdier, Scyther, and Oricorio in addition to forming the EdgeQuake combo. Stone Edge has a high critical hit rate and gets its accuracy boosted by Coil, which can be useful against opposing Coil/Bulk Up setp sweepers such as Komala, Eelektross, Dudunsparce, and Sandaconda if it used its Tera. Dragon Rush can be used for a funny option to smack Appletun and be used for the other hard hitting move since there aren't that much Steel- and Fairy-types in the tier. Rest is used to fully restore Sandaconda's HP and works well with Shed Skin, as you can potentially bypass the two turns of sleep Rest has.
Leftovers is used as the item to give Sandaconda some HP recovery. Tera Dragon lets Sandaconda Water, Electric, and Grass moves and can also make Dragon Rush stronger if you decide to use Dragon Rush. Tera Fairy can be used to prevent Sandaconda's setup sweep from being stopped by Dragon Tail users named Dudunsparce, Eelektross, and Appletun. The reason this set uses Max HP and Max Speed EVs along with a Jolly Nature is so it can have some bulk while being able to outspeed slower Pokemon such as Clawitzer, Drifblim, Lurantis, and Dudunsparce.