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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Eldegoss, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Eldegoss Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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15 Answers

6 votes

Eldegoss @ Heat Rock
Modest (+Sp. Attack, -Attack), Quiet (+Sp. Attack, -Speed)
Calm (+Sp. Defense, -Attack), Sassy (+Sp. Defense, -Speed), Bold (+Defense, -Attack), Relaxed (+Defense, - Speed)
Trait: Cotton Down (Synthesis) or Regenerator (Growth)
(1) 252 Sp. Attack, 252 HP, 6 Sp. Defense
(2) 252 Sp. Attack, 252 HP, 6 Defense
(1) 252 Sp. Defense, 252 Defense, 6 HP
(2) 252 Sp. Defense, 252 HP, 6. Defense
(3) 252 Sp. Defense, 252 Defense, 6 Sp. Attack


Sunny Day: Causes Harsh sunlight for 5 turns, 8 turns if Eldegoss is holding the Heat Rock. This move will effect Solar Beam, Growth and Synthesis. It effects lots of other moves, but the 3 listed above are the ones in this moveset. Sunny Day can only be taught to Eldegoss by TM.
Solar Beam or Cotton Guard:
Solar Beam takes one turn to charge, and the next turn it attacks. Solar Beam does not need to charge if the move sunny day is in effect. Solar Beam is STAB, and uses Sp. Attack. Solar Beam can only be taught to Eldegoss by TM. Combine this move with Sunny Day, and you can do some serious damage with Eldegoss. Cotton Guard increases Eldegoss's Defense Stat by 3 stages. With this amount of defense, Eldegoss shouldn't take to much damage.
Growth or Synthesis: Both of these moves are effected by sunny day. Growth increases the users Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 stage. When Sunny Day is in effect, it raises the Attack and Sp. Attack stats by 2 stages. This can be useful after using Leaf Storm, which lowers the users Sp. Attack by 2 stages. Growth will increase the power of Both Solar Beam and Leaf Storm. The only way Eldegoss learns Growth is by Breeding. Synthesis recovers 1/2 of the users max HP, 2/3 of the users HP when Sunny Day is in effect.
Leaf Storm: This move gains STAB, and does the same amount of damage that Solar Beam does. The downside to this move is that it lowers the users Sp. Attack by 2 stages. This can be recovered by using Growth when Sunny Day is in effect. Be sure to use Growth (when Sunny Day is in effect) before attacking that way, you get the boost of Sp. Attack, so Leaf Storm does more damage, THEN lowers the Sp. Attack.

Other move suggestions:
Magical Leaf, Aromatherapy, Energy Ball

Hope this helps!


Moves leaned by Level Up:
Synthesis (level 28)
Leaf Storm (level 46)
Cotton Guard (level 52)
Aromatherapy (level 40)

Moves learned by TM/TR:
Solar Beam (TM11 Sw/Sh)
Sunny Day (TM34 Sw/Sh)
Magical Leaf (TM10 Sw/Sh)
Energy Ball (TR65 Sw/Sh)

Moves learned by Breeding:
Growth (Possible Parents: Bulbasaur line, Oddish line, Seedot line, Roselia and Roserade, Cherubi line, Cottonee line, Maractus, Phantump line, Flapple and Appletun)

Nicee one!I use this for pkm showdown and in-game,it’s awesome for me
This moveset is good, but it has no variability, it only has grass-type moves, so Eldegoss is useless against other types, for me, the main idea of a moveset is to be VARIED (I don't care at all about using status moves like Toxic or Rock Polish... anyway, I don't care about using moves like that) I'm playing Pokémon Sword and Shield and I'm just not going to use its moveset because it has no variability, but other than that it's very good, congratulations :3
4 votes


Eldegoss @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rapid Spin
- Cotton Guard
- Aromatherapy
- Leech Seed

This is a... well, bulky supporter. Leftovers are for gradual recovery along with Leech Seed. Regenerator heals it when it switches out, which is nice. 252 HP allows it to take both physical and special attacks a bit better. 4 Defense is for taking physical hits just a tiny bit better. 252 Special Defense and Calm is to max out its already huge Special Defense. Rapid Spin is for clearing entry hazards. Cotton Guard is for boosting its Defense, which, along with max Special Defense, makes it fairly hard to take down. Aromatherapy is for curing the status conditions that you team may have been inflicted with (Toxic Spikes is an example, plus it can Rapid Spin them away). Leech Seed is for sapping the opponent's health an healing it, which allows it to (usually) heal quite a bit each turn with the Leftovers.

1 vote

Eldegoss @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
Impish Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Rapid Spin
- Aromatherapy
- Leech Seed

This set compresses everything valuable Eldegoss brings to the table into one moveset, making it an excellent choice for a bulky utility Pokemon. This set acts as a hazard remover, cleric, and bulky pivot all rolled into one (despite the lack of a switch move). And despite its apparent passivity, it actually has plenty of potential to defeat foes 1v1. Rapid Spin and Aromatherapy speak for themselves, clearing hazards from your side of the field and also giving you to heal your team of status. To Pivot, Eldegoss uses "slow sleep"--when you move second and put something to sleep with Sleep Powder, it's impossible for your opponent to wake up and attack you on the following turn. This is because moving second prevents the opponent from getting a chance to burn any sleep turns, so your switch will be a safe one; The opponent also will only have a 33% chance to wake up the turn after that, which you can potentially bank on to get a pivotal turn of setup for one of your sweepers. And if the opponent switches out the turn you switch out Eldegoss, they will have a 100% chance to not attack when they eventually bring the sleeping Pokemon back into battle, which is also great for your momentum.

Leech Seed is another way for Eldegoss to pivot without having to put something to sleep. It doesn't give you a completely free switch, but can offset any incoming damage you take with healing while also dealing a fair bit of chip damage. It deals 12.5% of your opponent's health every turn, so using Leech Seed turn one, and then swapping out turn two will drain 25% of the opponent's HP. Your switch-in will also have a significant advantage 1v1 against the seeded target, greatly pressuring them to switch out. You may remember I told you that Eldegoss actually has potential to take out foes 1v1. That's because of the combination of Leech Seed + Sleep Powder. 12.5% HP drain gets a lot nastier when your opponent is forced to endure 1-3 turns, because that's an additional 12.5-37.5% extra chip damage that they can't do very much about. So when you consider that Leech Seed also heals Eldegoss every turn alongside leftovers, putting an opponent to sleep over and over again while their HP drains becomes a legitimate strategy. Eldegoss also appreciates the ability to do damage like this without having to resort to actual attacks, since that gives it time to do its actual job of providing hazard removal and cleric support. Also, it neither has a good Special Attack stat, nor does it have a particularly threatening STAB, so Leech Seed will always be its best way of providing offensive pressure; Leech Seed + Rapid Spin does similar damage to Giga Drain on bulky neutral targets, but has to worry much less about Grass resists (Grass is the #1 most resisted type in the entire game.)

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where is your attack? You need an attack or you will struggle after taunt
Rapid Spin is an attack.  On that note, Taunt can't stop Eldegoss from spinning hazards.  Also, Leech Seed + Rapid Spin does more damage than Giga Drain against many targets, even if that target doesn't actually resist Grass.  You wouldn't want to go 1v1 against a Pokemon with Taunt unless you were looking to spin away hazards.  And, in that situation, if they do go for Taunt then they're honestly just doing you a favor.
What if you're taunted by a ghost type though?
Sleep Powder and Leech Seed are your main weapons against Substitute users and that holds steadfast for Taunting Ghost Types.  Between Frosslass and Jellicent, Frosslass already threatens you massively with Ice moves and Jellicent still might not win once you get a leech seed in, especially since it cannot reliably outspeed you, since Scald gets completely outhealed and you can Sleep Powder once the Taunt wears off.  Might not be very efficient, but that's a fairly obscure group of Pokemon to begin with.
1 vote

Eldegod@heat rock
Sun god
Ability: cotton down/regenerator
Evs: 252hp/rest 256 anything except atk
Any minus atk nature is good
- Sunny day
Yep definitely
- solar beam
STAB, Attack, one turn charge, wynaut?
- synthesis
- weather ball/pollen puff/leech seed/aromatherapy
Coverage or annoying+ healing or bye status

I would choose weather ball but the others can be useful as for extra draining or kill status as it would kill this deity

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You can have a maximum of 255 EVs in one stat.
it's 252 is one stat, not 255.
What i meant  was that to put the remaining evs in any other stat any way u wanted. To clear things up, u can have 255 evs in one stat, but  the extra 3 would have no effect
1 vote

AV Eldegoss

Eldegoss @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 236 HP / 236 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Giga Drain
- Pollen Puff
- Rapid Spin

This set takes Eldegoss's Special Defense to the max. Leaf Storm is powerful STAB since Eldegoss should be switching out a lot to take advantage of Regenerator. Giga Drain is STAB and health recovery. Pollen Puff is coverage for other Grass types. Rapid Spin gets rid of hazards.

1 vote

Special tank Eldegoss

Eldegoss @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Rapid Spin
- Synthesis
- Energy Ball / Pollen Puff

  • Leech Seed (steal hp and heal)
  • Rapid Spin (hazard removal)
  • Synthesis (large hp recovery)
  • Energy Ball/ Pollen Puff (stab damage move or move to super effective against grass that prevent leech seed)
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1 vote

A Sun set I designed. Slightly gimmicky I have been told, but ah well XD. I used it as part of a Sun team and it's quite good!
Eldegoss @ Life Orb / Heat Rock
Ability: Cotton Down
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Solar Beam
- Pollen Puff
- Weather Ball
- Growth / Sunny Day

Solar Beam is a massively powered move, that can be used in one turn. Pollen Puff is coverage. Weather Ball for a powerful 100 BP (+Sun boosted) move. Growth can sharply raise Attack and Special Attack in Sun. Sunny Day because Eldegoss is an optional Sun setter. If you are using Sunny Day, then Heat Rock is better.

1 vote

Gen 8 SS NU

Eldegoss @ Eject Button / Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 SpD
Bold Nature
- Giga Drain
- Rapid Spin
- Sleep Powder / Stun Spore / Aromatherapy
- Synthesis / Aromatherapy / Sleep Powder

Eldegoss has some potential in Gen 8 SS NU as a bulky Grass-type that provides Utility as well as being a cleric that can check Pokemon like Silvally-Ground. While it has a bad matchup against Poison- and Grass-types, it's utility movepool helps it out.

Giga Drain is the grass STAB on this set, as it provides some HP recovery. Rapid Spin allows you to clear away hazards for your team. Sleep Powder allows you to put a Pokemon to sleep. Synthesis is used for longevity. Stun Spore is an option to slow down opposing Pokemon, which can be useful for your teammates. Aromatherapy can be used so you can heal off status conditions for you and your teammates.

Eject Button is used as the item so that should you live a hit, you can immediately switch out and recover HP with Regenerator. Leftovers can be used instead for a little HP recovery. 28 Special Defense EVs on the given EV spread is for some special bulk. The rest of the EVs is used to check Silvally-Ground better. You can opt to run more Special Defense EVs, but Eldegoss needs the HP and Defense EVs for Silvally-Ground, as Eldegoss takes a lot of damage from a +2 U-turn from Silvally-Ground.

0 votes

Eldegoss @ Leftovers
Ability: Cotton Down
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Cotton Guard
- Aromatherapy
- Cotton Spore
- Sleep Powder / Light Screen

I see this as a sort of semi-bulky support character. Cotton Guard raises your Defense drastically, Aromatherapy in case any members of your team have any status conditions. Cotton Spore to basically lower their Speed. Sing to make the opponent fall asleep (hopefully). Light Screen is also an option.

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Why not sleep powder over sing
0 votes

Eldegloss @ Leftovers
Ability: Cotton Down
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
• Cotton Gaurd
• Leech Seed
• Protect
• Giga Drain

• Cotton Gaurd:Amazing physical defense boost
• Leech Seed:Damage them, heal you
• Protect:Gives you leftovers healing and leech seed healing
• Giga Drain:STAB, heals you

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0 votes

Eldegross @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 128 Def / 128 SpA / 252 Def
Calm Nature
- Giga Drain
- Pollen Puff
- Rapid Spin
- Leech Seed

  • Giga Drain (STAB)
  • Pollen Puff(Coverage)
  • Rapid Spin(Removing Hazards)
  • Leech Seed(Life Drain)
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0 votes

I love this little cottonball XD
I remember being super hyped when I saw this for the first time in its trailer!

Eldegoss @ Leftovers
Ability: Cotton Down
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Giga Drain
- Pollen Puff
- Leech Seed
- Substitute

Giga Drain for STAB and free healing, Pollen Puff for coverage. Leech Seed to heal each turn, and Substitute to stall. Th EV spread and Nature let is usually outspeed as well as having a decent SpA too.

Have fun using this set! :D

0 votes

Eldegoss @ Rose Incense/ Miracle Seed
Ability: Effect Spore / Cotton Down
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Cotton Spore
- Rapid Spin
- Weather Ball
- Energy Ball / Solar Blade

Here is a moveset for the little cotton ball. Having effect spore/ cotton down is good ability for it, getting status or lowering there speed. Then having weather ball for a weather team can also be useful.

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Solar Blade Eldegoss. Perfection.
0 votes

Eldegoss  sprite from Home

Ability: Effect Spore
252 SpD / 252 Def / 4 SpA
-Synthesis (Healing)
-Leech Seed (Healing) / Sunny Day (Sets up Harsh Sunlight)
-Aromatherapy (Team Healing) / Cotton Down (+3 Def)
-Energy Ball (STAB, 10% chance to lower Opponent's SpD) / Giga Drain (STAB, Healing) / Solar Beam (STAB, takes 1 turn in Harsh Sunlight)
Bold / Impish / Calm / Careful
@Leftovers / Rocky Helmet / Heat Rock

0 votes

A Gen 9 NatDex RU set?!

Eldegoss (M) @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed / Charm
- Giga Drain
- Pollen Puff
- Leaf Tornado
> Charm is for annoying Physical attackers like Absol, Aerodactyl, etc. Leech Seed is great for draining health, but watch out for other Eldegoss. Leaf Tornado is a funny move, that has a great 50% chance of lowering accuracy. This can annoy a lot of players. Giga Drain is for STAB and staying power, along with Pollen Puff being unnecessary coverage. Effect Spore and Rocky Helmet make for a great duo, allowing to put an attacker to sleep, paralyze them or even poison them. This is great for crippling fast Physical attackers, or just fast attackers. Leftovers is a great item overall, and can be used on any bulky set.

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