PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

There have been plenty of entries on this sight telling me that the given Pokémon doesn’t have any egg moves in Pokémon Sword. This makes me wonder if you can even pass down moves like you could in past generations. An example I can give is Vileplume. In the past, Vileplume has been able to learn leech seed; but this sight clearly stated, “Vileplume does not learn any egg moves from breeding in Sword and Shield.” Is this just specific to this Pokémon, or is this problem universal?


4 Answers

1 vote

Oh, you absolutely can, the site's just not fully updated yet. They do seem to have notably fewer egg moves on average, though.

For instance, Barraskewda gets four egg moves, Toxel only gets three, etc. Oddish still gets plenty, though, so more evidence the site's just a little behind (Pokemaster evidently is a little busy).

Thx, this helps me a lot.
1 vote

Yes, egg moves still exist in Sw/Sh. Pokemon with a hard-to-see yellow aura around them (called "brilliant Pokemon") These Pokemon can have egg moves, along with other benefits. You can also still breed Pokemon to get egg moves. The thing is, the website only shows egg moves for the base form evolution. Vileplume has no egg moves, however Oddish does.

0 votes

I know other people have answered already, but I would like to confirm that they are a thing and wanted to give an example:
I was breeding a Super Size Pumpkaboo with a Gengar and got the Egg Moves: Curse, Destiny Bond, and Disable.

And to confirm again, you can get Pokémon that know Egg Moves in the wild. Just look for the yellow aura. These Pokémon are great for breeding because they have a number of guaranteed stats and IVs, plus the Egg Moves!

0 votes

It's because technically Vileplume doesn't learn egg moves, Oddish does. If you check Oddish's entry, it has 10 egg moves including Leech Seed. One great thing about Sword and Shield is being able to pass on egg moves to Pokemon of the same species. For example, I had a 5IV Snorlax that I wanted to use for breeding but wanted it to have Curse. What you can do is find a Pokemon from its egg group that learns Curse (Bergmite), breed the two, then take the newly hatched Snorlax with Curse and leave it in the nursery with the original Snorlax to transfer the egg move. You do need to take genders in to account of course and have an empty move slot.
