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I have 3 Jolly Queenly Majesty Tsareenas and want to keep only 1. I'm so picky even with characteristics. Which characteristic suits Tsareena: "hates to lose", "quick tempered", "somewhat vain" or "likes to fight"? If there's any characteristic that I didn't mention and you think will suit Tsareena more, please let me know :)

PS. I heard that the "somewhat vain" gives additional special defense, while the other 3 gives additional attack.

What do you want to use this Tsareena for? Battling other people, the Battle Tower, or in-game trainers?

1 Answer

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The characteristic that your Pokémon has is determined by its highest IV value. This bulbapedia link has all the information on characteristics: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Characteristic
'hates to lose' and 'somewhat vain' mean that your highest IV value is in Sp.def, while 'quick tempered' and 'likes to fight' mean that your highest IV value is in Attack.
Depending on your Tsareena's role in your team, a high IV in attack, or sp.def, or defence might all be viable.
