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I'm with a Pidgeot in my team, but he's doing like... nothing good for it. And then I tought on switching him for other flying poke. I choosed Staraptor in first time, but then I saw my bag and there was a Dusk Stone! I just tought in Murkrow then. Then the question came: Staraptor or Honchkrow?
My team:
Roserade (Focus Sash), Lucario (Metronome), Ampharos (Ampharosite), Suicune (Leftovers), Gengar (Spell Tag) and Pidgeot with no item.

What game is this for?

1 Answer

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I would say they both are good. But In my opinion Staraptor is a bit better in speed and attack. But Honchcrow is part dark giving it an advantage over more types than Staraptor. If your looking for a faster better attack Pokémon, go with Staraptor, if you want a better defense and slower type, to with Honchcrow.
