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so I am playing through platinum and hatched the togepie having hustle the worst ability for it.my other best flying type starter option is staraptor the regional bird meaning early aces and crobat also pretty early but bad way to get to final stage please help because I can't make up my mind both are damn strong and get strong moves like close combat and cross poison.please help.

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ignore the starter part because it was a typo error
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3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

First of all, Hustle doesn't reduce the accuracy of Special moves (in my experience).


  • Awesome bulk
  • Good SpA of 120.
  • It gets access of Air Slash, Aura Sphere by level up and Flamethrower, Grass Knot, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Roost... (breath) by TMs.
  • Relatively difficult to get a good natured mon (you wouldn't want a Jolly Togekiss, if you care...), cause it is obtained from an egg.
  • Friendship evolution for the second stage.


  • Hits like a monster truck.
  • Solid 120 Atk stat.
  • Gets access of Brave Bird, Close Combat... what else is needed?
  • Available Early.
  • Awesome ability of Intimidate.


  • Awesome speed (130)
  • Not so good moves (best stab is Fly, without breeding)
  • Mediocre attack stats (90 and 70)
  • Friendship evolution

If you don't care about Friendship, then Togekiss is fine. But Staraptor is obviously the boss here. Go for Staraptor.

Ability: Intimidate
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Return / Defog
- Roost

Hope this helps :)

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I know but all its ability will do is reduce its accuracy
It doesn't harm anything right? Crobat's Inner Focus is also not that great. It does almost nothing. However, I say that you can go for star birb.
hustle is an ability that reduces the accuracy for attack but togekiss is special attacker so it only reduces it accuracy so that is why I don't want an hustle togekiss
Just wanna point out, double edge is an egg move on Raptor so you'll have to settle with return. Also, I agree with this. Friendship evolutions are stupid
Oh right I was confused with RBY. Thanks for pointing it out.
Hustle has no effect on special moves. It does not reduce their accuracy. Staraptor is still the best flying Pokemon, though.
0 votes

Since there is no Fairy types in Gen 4 games, Poison types are only strong against Grass types. But Crobat has very high speed. But Staraptor is cool and Ash's. It can also learn strong moves like Close Combat. And Crobat has a Psychic weakness which Staraptor doesn't have. So, Crobat is weak against Lucian (Elite 4). Staraptor also has a high attack.

So, decide wisely, what role is Staraptor/Crobat is gonna play.

If you want it to be a speedster, use Crobat.
If you want it to be an Attacker, use Staraptor.

Have Fun,

0 votes

In my opinion Crobat is better. It’s faster and has more well-rounded stats.

Adamant | Item: Metal Coat


Fly (Veilstone Galactic Warehouse)
Strong move and required HM. Perfect for Crobat.

Steel Wing (Route 209) (Cut)
Good STAB against Ice Rock and Dragons. Crobat is weak to Ice and Rock so this move is a no-brainer.

U-Turn (Southwest of Canalave) (Surf)
Somebody on one of these said Staraptor uses U-Turn better. I disagree. U-Turn is a Bug-type move which is good against Psychic, one of Crobat’s weaknesses. It’s good power and if the move doesn’t KO the Pokèmon, U-Turn forces Crobat to switch out with another.

Roost (Girl on Route 210) (Bike)
Good move for healing against weaker Pokèmon.

With this moveset, Crobat can hold it’s own against three of it’s four weaknesses: Psychic, Ice and Rock, while also healing itself in-battle. Crobat has the clear edge over Staraptor.

Why do you think speed and "well-rounded stats" are more important than physical attack? Staraptor's return has higher base power than all of Crobat's reliable/spammable STAB moves. Its close combat "covers" all but one of its weaknesses and is super effective against steel, which resists all of your recommended moves, so why do you think Crobat has better coverage?