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Sweeper or Bulky Tank?

What format?

2 Answers

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Scizor's great bulk (70 / 100 / 80) and Defenseive Typing and Roost allows Scizor to set up multiple Swords Dance. It also heals Scizor, so you can keep it healthy.
And Scizor is a Bulky Sweeper.
Agility Scizor is only viable on Gen 3, because Roost and a lot of good attacks didn't exist in Gen 3. And it's role was baton passing, since it's only good attacks were Steel Wing and HP Bug/Rock.

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Roost is more useful, I love that when there's a tanky mon like Scizor, I use Roost to heal it back up.
And I agree on the post above that Agility Scizor is only useful on ADV cause it was a Baton Passer, but even then, there is Mawile as a better Baton Passer, and Heracross gives it competition. And it's only moves that are useful is HP Bug/Rock, Silver Wind and Steel Wing, it wasn't used much in ADV cause of it's terrible movepool before D/P/Pt
