PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

Before you flag this and wish I was banned because it sounds like a stupid and obvious question, hear me out.

so I was looking at the milotic moves page, and I came across an answer that had scald and toxic, meaning it could burn or badly poison respectively. In the comments for that answer, somebody said to replace scald with toxic because, and I quote "as of gen 5 , you can't have more than one major status ailment". So does it means that before gen 5 you could have more than one major status condition on your Pokemon or just that in the present day (but now past) you still can't have more than one major status condition?

This is exactly why almost all of our moveset answers are bad.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

I have played Gen 4 games a lot, but this is nothing new.

You can't have more than 1 Major status alignment.

Status conditions come in 3 types: non-volatile, volatile, and the third lasts while a Pokémon is in battle

A non-volatile status condition is a status condition that remains outside of battle and after being switched out. A Pokémon can only be afflicted by one non-volatile status condition at a time. They can be cured by healing at a Pokémon Center, specific curative items, and other ways. If a Pokémon is affected by a non-volatile status condition, an icon will display the type of status condition (replacing the Pokémon's level in Generations I and II).

Non-volatile alignments include are Burned, Asleep, Paralyzed, Poisoned, and Toxic Poisoned/Badly Poisoned. You can't have 2 of these at a time.

A volatile status is a status condition that is inflicted by a move or Ability from another Pokémon and will wear off when a Pokémon is switched out of battle or when a battle is over. Many volatile status conditions will also wear off after a number of turns have passed. A Pokémon can be affected by multiple volatile status conditions at a time. A volatile status condition is not indicated by an icon.

Volatile status conditions include Bound, Can't Escape, Confused, Curse, Embargo, Encore, Flinch, Heal Block, Identified, Infatuation, Leech Seed, Nightmare, Perish Song, Taunt, Telekinesis, and Torment.

The third modify self (kind of), and are usually activated by move effects (so some are named after said move).

These kind include: Aqua Ring, Bracing, Charging Turn, Center of Attention, Defense Curl, Rooting, Magnetic Levitation, Minimize, Protection, Team Protection, Recharging, Semi-Invulnerable, Taking Aim, And Withdrawing.


Hope I Helped!

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2 votes

Nah, I looked at everywhere and found that a Pokemon couldn't have 2 status conditions at a time.
Bulbapedia Status Condition Page
Maybe the user was wrong.
Thunder Wave failed when used on Poisoned Chansey.
In Generation 1, due to a glitch,

A glitch causes the stat reductions associated with paralysis and burn to remain despite the fact that the Pokémon no longer has that status. If a Pokémon that has been badly poisoned by Toxic successfully uses Rest, it will be cured of poison, but Toxic's N parameter is not reset; if it then suffers burn, Leech Seed or poison damage, that damage will be calculated with the formula for bad poison, still being calculated as N * x, and the N value will still increase by 1 each time (however, if the Pokémon is poisoned with Toxic, the N value will be reset to 1).

In Generation, a Pokemon can have burn/paralysis and sleep (rest) at a same time.
