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i got a jolly Pawniard, but I'm not sure if it's a good nature. Any tips?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

Jolly is a bit good, but I prefer Adamant. Despite Bisharp's speed being really low, 70, Bisharp can use Sucker Punch, so there isn't any need for Jolly. Also, Bisharp's Attack is higher than speed, 125, (correct me if I am wrong) so Adamant Bisharp would get more of a boost than Jolly. I think Adamant is the best.

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yes i like you answer but what about the timid 252 speed magneone?
If you are using a choice item set, then use timid. If not,then modest.
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In my opinion Adamant is the only way to be used, traning EV in HP and attack

In most formats, Bisharp can actually outspeed a few things if it has 252 speed EVs. Bisharp has relatively low defenses, so it can't take many hits even if it has HP EVs. Speed EVs are generally better.