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Title ^

They are very looks alike in terms of movepool, statistics, roles and even type. Guess the feel differences will be between their statistics, but even then, are very feel. Guess in this one you can choose based in opinion instead of facts.

2 Answers

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They have extremely similar stats, but Electabuzz has a higher special attack and speed and slightly more defenses. Their movepools are also similar, but Electabuzz can learn Psychic, Fire Punch, and Ice Punch by TM, while Raichu cannot. They can both learn 2 HMs, Strength and Flash. However, neither can be obtained until after you beat the Elite 4 and get access to the rest of Kanto. If you want an Electric-type for the Johto storyline, you can get Magnemite on Routes 38 and 39, Voltorb by trading a Krabby in Olivine City, Chinchou by fishing with a Good Rod in the Olivine City Harbor, and Jolteon by evolving Eevee. If you want to wait until Kanto to get an Electric-type or if you manage to get an Electabuzz or Pikachu before the Elite 4, then Electabuzz has a better movepool and stats.

No mention of Mareep? It's better than every Pokemon you did mention.
Bulbapedia says you can't get Mareep in Crystal.
Oh that's right.
0 votes

Electabuzz is superior, here's why

It has access to the Elemental Punches that matches up well against most of the E4 including Lances team and Raichu does not have that great of moves it has access to only having Iron Tail. Electabuzz has a higher base stat total of 490 where as Raichu has a base stat total of 485.

Overall, Electabuzz is more useful based on stats, movepool and matchups in the E4.

Hopefully, this helps :)
