Electrode is one of the fastest Pokemon in the game, letting it easily use its unique moves like Selfdestruct and Light Screen. That said, Electrode's movepool is nothing to write home about: it has to rely on Thunder through TM, learns no HMs other than Flash, and gets few coverage moves. It's caught during the midgame in the Team Rocket HQ.
Elekid is obtained from the Odd Egg, though it isn't guaranteed to generate. It offers serviceable Special Attack, Speed, and the elemental punches, and it's useful outside of battle if taught Strength. Elekid evolves at Level 30 — tragic given Johto's level curve — and is nigh unusable before evolution.
Between the two, Electabuzz is better because it gets more moves and has higher Special Attack. However, it's a gamble to obtain and Elekid is wholly useless until it evolves in the late midgame.
Kadabra is arguably better at using ThunderPunch and is more consistent throughout the game. If you absolutely need an Electric type, Magneton might be better than Electabuzz because it has the coveted Steel typing and better Special Attack. Unfortunately, it also has a barren movepool.

- ThunderPunch (Level 9)
- Fire Punch (TM from Goldenrod Department Store)
- Ice Punch (TM from Goldenrod Department Store)
- Strength (HM)

- Thunder (TM from Goldenrod Game Corner)
- Rain Dance (TM in the Slowpoke Well)
- Tri Attack (Level 35)
- Flash (HM)