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7 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Stakataka, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Stakataka Pokedex learnset for reference.

Stakataka sprite


9 Answers

10 votes

Sweeping Stakataka

Stakataka @ Leftovers / Rockium Z / Air Balloon
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Lonely Nature
IVs: 15 Def / 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake / Superpower
- Trick Room

The nature and IVs are chosen to minimize speed while also allowing Beast Boost to boost your attack. Gyro Ball hits really hard since you're so slow, Stone Edge is more STAB (can be boosted with Rockium Z to take out other threats), and Earthquake / Superpower are coverage moves to try to get around checks.

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you want to minimize speed... with a defense lowering nature?
Stakataka's defense is so high that you have to run Lonely to get an attack boost from Beast Boost. If you run Brave (+Atk, -Spe) then it doesn't matter how you arrange the EVs or IVs; he'll still boost defense.
Love it! That's an upvote for you.
try the stat calculator
with the assumption :
1. it has the same IVs
2. lonely nature
3. 252 in atk and 0 in def EVs

the result is : its def will still be higher than its atk
so, the beast boost will still increase its def
Trick room ? Why ? Its gyro ball will do little damage.
Trick room doesn't reduce gyro ball's damage :P
@rizap, you are semi-incorrect, I use Stakataka in Showdown! and have this spread: 252Atk, 252HP, 4SpD, IV's: 14Def, 0spe, atk stat is raised by beast boost, he is using level 50, While you use lv 100, which needs 1 less def IV
That being said...
@ThinkGaster10, specify that the Def IV can be 15 to boost atk at lv 50, but needs to be 14 to boost atk at level 100.

Thanks :P
5 votes


Gen 8 edit. Man, I always look back at my old sets and cringe...

Stakataka @ Leftovers / Air Balloon
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Trick Room / Body Press
- Gyro Ball / Steel Roller

Steel Roller is if you bring this into OU and want to tear the Tapus a new one, while harming their terrain setup (use Body Press with the Steel Roller Variant). Body Press utilizes the defense stat to turn any Wall such as myself into a major offensive presence, just not to those Ghost types. You can have it be your Trick Room Rocker, which is nice for TR's desire to end Focus Sash. And Toxic to annoy the hell out of whoever switches in. :P
If not TR, Wish Support works every nicely.


4 Atk Stakataka Steel Roller (130 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Tapu Bulu: 314-372 (91.5 - 108.4%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

4 Atk Stakataka Steel Roller (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 204-240 (72.5 - 85.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

4 Atk Stakataka Steel Roller (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 450-530 (160.1 - 188.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Just pray for Focus Miss and BAM! Stakataka is the player of the game.

4 Atk Stakataka Steel Roller (130 BP) vs. 252 HP / 192+ Def Tapu Fini: 121-144 (35.1 - 41.8%) -- 83.4% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

eh, fini is best taken out by other means anyways. :P

Hope I Helped!

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Interesting moveset. Not the greatest, but you have to appreciate the irony of Stakatacool making a Stataka moveset
Good set
1 vote


Stakataka @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic

After an iron defense, body press will do an extremely high amount of damage. Gyro Ball is STAB and goes well with it’s horrible speed. Toxic is there for gradual damage.

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1 vote

Stakataka @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Body Press
- Heavy Slam
- Stone Edge
- Trick Room

  • Body Press (I'll explain it later)
  • Heavy Slam (STAB)
  • Stone Edge (STAB)
  • Trick Room (I'll explain it later. Most important for this set!)

Well first of all, this is my first post. Hope you enjoy it!
Now, I'll explain the moveset:

Trick Room is necessary for this set, because we need to attack first. Put the Trick Room at the beginning (or a support pokémon in doubles).

Body Press is a great attack that takes advantatge of it's high Defense stat, instead of Attack. It's a good neutral cover too.
Heavy Slam is a STAB attack, which takes advantatge of Stakataka's weight.
Stone Edge is the second STAB attack, whith a great power.

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0 votes

I Thought to myself, "Huh, there has got to be more than 3 ways to use Stakataka!"


Stakataka @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpD / 252 HP / 4 Def
Sassy Nature
- Protect
- Toxic
- Infestation
- Sandstorm / Stealth Rock

Well, now, Just make sure you aren't against Ground/Fighting/Steel/(Maybe Water) Types. This set isn't amazing, but hey, it could work...

Definitely give it Wish support, and it could probably be a good Tank, but not a great one unfortunately... Still good enough to consider using as a surprising counter Set. :P

Jirachi and Tyranitar/Gigalith in Mono-Steel / Mono-Rock pair well with it, although Mono-Rock is looking more lackluster compared to last Gen.

Hope I Helped!

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Instead of using the move Sandstorm, I would suggest a Sand Stream teammate like Hippowdon. This frees up a slot for Stealth Rock
0 votes

Doubles OU

Stakataka @ Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Protect
- Gyro Ball
- Body Press

Trick Room is to reverse the speed order, allowing Stakataka and its allies to take advantage of their low speed. Protect allows Stakataka to be safe for a turn while its ally attacks. Gyro Ball hits most neutral / super effective targets incredibly hard, unless they are also Trick Room setters or abusers. Body Press comes off of Stakataka's insane defense stat and, thanks to Beast Boost, gets stronger with every KO Stakataka gets. Shuca and Chople berries help Stakataka shrug off moves it's 4x weak to.

0 votes

Physically Bulky Trick Room Sweeper

Stakatakatak (Stakataka) @ Choice Band / Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Lonely Nature
IVs: 14 Def / 0 Spe
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Heavy Slam / Gyro Ball
- Body Press / Earthquake / Zen Headbutt
- Body Press / Earthquake / Zen Headbutt

Slowest Speed (minus the nature) to maximise Trick Room speed. Rock Slide is STAB, as is Heavy Slam/Gyro Ball, whichever you feel like using. The other moves are coverage. The Defense IVs are there so that you get an Attack boost from Beast Boost. In doubles, the reccomended Trick Room partner is probably Bronzong, as it is immune to Earthquake with Levitate, and can deal super effective Psychic STAB against Fighting types that oppose Stakataka

Have fun using this set, hope I helped!

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Facade gives coverage against..? And tbh you're better off with a Rock- STAB than Facade or Zeb Headbutt.
Facade is nuetral coverage against everything against Ghost, Steel, and Rock. Steel and Rock are covered by Body Press/EQ, and the other moves hit Ghost neutrally.
Facade still is a niche choice on it. You mostly would require dual-STAB's to dish out as much damage as possible.
Also, Earthquake + Stone Edge form the infamous EdgeQuake move combination, which gives quite a substantial amount of coverage.
i already have dual STAB and EQ is already an option. i will add Stone Edge as another option.
0 votes

Stakataka [Defensive Sweeper]

Stakataka @ Bright Powder / Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Heat Crash / Heavy slam
- Earthquake / any other move of your choice

For body press, it'll do a lot of damage, because the amount of defense you have on the stakataka.

For Iron defense, you can improve your damage with body press by rising your defense with this attack of course.
For Heat crash or Heavy slam, this attack does damage based on the weight of Pokémon, so.. stakataka would be really useful.
For Earthquake, its just an extra to fill out the movelist.

The reason why you need bright powder is because it raises the accuracy, so you will have a better chance to sweep your opponent's team.

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Bright powder doesn't increase accuracy. It increases evasion.
0 votes

Gen 8 NU

Stakataka @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball / Heavy Slam
- Body Press / Protect
- Toxic

Stakataka recently dropped to NU recently, so I'd thought I'd post this. This is the Specially Defensive set from RU but with a couple moveslot options. Stakataka's special bulk is decent enough for NU to check Pokemon such as Indeedee-F and Dragalge.

Stealth Rock allows you to setup a hazard that chips opposing Pokemon switching in. Gyro Ball is used for Steel- STAB which is pretty powerful due to Sassy Nature, 0 Speed IVs, and Stakataka's low speed stat. Heavy Slam can be used instead for a Steel-type move that has more PP than Gyro Ball. Body Press allows you to chunk the Steel-types in the tier such as Copperajah and Escavalier and gets more powerful since Beast Boost will give you a defense boost. Toxic is used to help wear down opposing Pokemon. Protect can be used instead of Body Press for scouting and works well alongside Toxic.

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