Here's a rare occasion where I can answer.
I do have two possible fixes to the "holes" in your team. A fire-type replacement could be Houndour, and it evolves early so that's a plus, I guess. Its defensive typing is poor and it dies quick, but is pretty strong offensively. Shinx would be an electric-type suggestion. Its ability is especially helpful (well, only sometimes with Rivalry, but you can always use Attract if it doesn't). Intimidate gives it additional defense. I don't think it matters if you catch it later towards Sunyshore City as a Luxio and then instant Luxray, or earlier on as a Shinx. Be careful which moves you teach it, stuff like Shock Wave and Thunderbolt are ineffective on Luxray, I speak from experience.
If you really do want to continue with just Magmar and Electabuzz, they should work fine as they're both decent Pokes on their own and would be about as strong in-game as the two above. Note however Magmar/Electabuzz are special attackers, so it's possible that may present a problem but shouldn't hopefully.
Speaking as this was my favorite Pokemon game until ORAS. I hope I helped.