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2 votes

I just don't get it! Eelektross is standing and so is it's pre evolution, Eelectrik.

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pokefans have been waiting a long time for a levitating electric type
Levitate also makes electross a little overpowered, it then has no weaknesses.

4 Answers

13 votes
Best answer

Just because it has feet doesn't mean it's standing. Levitate means to hover above the ground, which is basically what it does. Gengar also appears to stand and Carnivine is a plant (normally rooted in the ground!) and they both have Levitate too.

Remember, some birds appear to stand on the ground but also avoid Ground-type moves. Think of it like they can raise themselves off the ground quickly to avoid those attacks.

7 votes

Electomagnetic field could be so powerful that it hovers above the floor

Nice idea!
he has a good point!!!!!
If so explain why th magnet pokemon themselves don’t have levitate despite visibly floating
3 votes

The reason the Eelektross line has Levitate is in the origin of Tynamo. Tynamo could be inspired by Rods or Skyfish, a term used for debunked cryptids that look like flying spirals that people that were related to UFOs or extradimensional being. But in reality, they were flying insects distorted by the camera. And they mixed it with a baby eel and just rolled with it

1 vote

I don't either, but it doesn't really matter, because - after all - the ability levitate doesn't mean the Pokemon has to be a ghost.

I agree. Why does it matter that he is on the ground?
i never thought of it that way before.....
Maybe GameFreak were being nice?