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In game and anime we see Magnemite levitating, so how come in the games it doesn't have the ability Levitate ?

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Well let's look at Magnemite's Pokédex entries:

Red and Blue:
Uses antigravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses Thunder Wave and similar moves.

It is born with the ability to defy gravity. It floats in air on powerful electromagnetic waves.

The units at the sides of its body generate anti-gravity energy to keep it aloft in the air.

Magnemite floats in the air by emitting electromagnetic waves from the units at its sides. These waves block gravity. This Pokémon becomes incapable of flight if its internal electrical supply is depleted.

Leaf Green:
Uses antigravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses Thunder Wave and similar moves.

Diamond and Pearl:
The units at its sides generate electromagnetic waves that keep it airborne. It feeds on electricity.

Soul Silver:
The units at the sides of its body generate antigravity energy to keep it aloft in the air.

Black and White 2:
The electromagnetic waves emitted by the units at the sides of its head expel antigravity, which allows it to float.

The units at the sides of its body generate antigravity energy to keep it aloft in the air.

>Despite most of Magnemite's Pokédex entries saying they are able to float through the air by employing powerful electromagnetic waves or even anti-gravity, Magnemite does not have the Ability Levitate, and so they are still affected by Earthquake or other Ground-type moves. However, as of Generation IV, Magnemite can learn Magnet Rise, which simulates Levitate for five turns.

From it's Pokédex entries it seems it is able to levitate because of the move Magnet Rise, despite Magnet Rise been released in Generation IV. Here is the description for Magnet Rise in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X and Y:

>The user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns.

I would also say Magnemite doesn't have Levitate as it's Ability because of it's immunity and resistances. Just look at the image below:

Magnemite's type effectiveness

Magnemite has one immunity and eleven resistances, if it was to be immune to Ground types too then it would be impossible to defeat with only two weaknesses and three types that do neutral damage.

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