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Now that Lucario can not learn iron tail anymore,if I want my lucario to have a steel move what would that be ?
Physical attacker with metal claw ?
.Lucario Fight/Steel hidden ability (Justified) + Life Orb
-Nature : jolly 252 Attack 252 Speed 6 HP
-Sword Dance
-Extreme Speed
-Close Combat
-Metal Claw(Remember)
Or Mixed attacker with Flash Cannon ?
-Nature: serious 144 Attack 108 SP Attack 252 Speed
-Sword Dance
-Extreme Speed
-Close Combat
-Flash Cannon(TM)


2 Answers

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If this is for BSS, then the best steel attack would be flash cannon. However, you shouldn't be using mega Lucario when Blaziken is better in most of the important ways.
If this is for BSD, then the best steel attack would be iron tail. However, you shouldn't be using mega Lucario when mega Metagross is so much better.
If this is for Anything Goes, then the best steel attack would be bullet punch. However, steel Arceus is much better in Anything Goes, so you should use that instead of mega Lucario.
Conclusion: While Lucario can learn some good steel attacks, it's not good enough at other things to be worth using.

I am talking about Sun and Moon and no a free 6v6 battle but a 3v3 rank battle where i was told that no legendaries and no megastones are permited so it is much more fair.Also i would not go for bullet punch as extreme speed is a better priority move.So what to choose Flash Cannon and mixed or Metal claw and physical attacker ?
In that case, bullet punch would be the best move. It's almost as powerful as extreme speed due to STAB, and it gets much better coverage. Still, you should seriously not use Lucario when stuff like Blaziken and Kartana are so much better.
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For the physical set, Bullet Punch is the best Steel STAB you could ask for, combining both the priority of Extreme Speed and the coverage of Metal Claw. This allows you to drop E-Speed for a coverage move like Earthquake or Ice Punch. Bullet Punch is an Egg move, though.

For the mixed set, Flash Cannon is good, but is kind of pointless because if you're going to be using Swords Dance Bullet Punch is still better. Most mixed Lucario that I've seen use Bullet Punch anyways. Flash Cannon would fit better on a fully special set with Hidden Power [Ice] and Aura Sphere.

Of course, if you don't have access to/don't want to breed Bullet Punch onto a Lucario, then Flash Cannon all the way, or even Iron Tail if you're feeling gutsy :)

If Lucario learn Bullet Punch there is no point o learn Extremespeed, so i can teach it another move instead like Blaze kick .On the Other Hand Extreme speed is more powerfull and with priority +2
Ice punch and stone edge are both much better coverage moves.
It does not learn Ice Punch
Ice Punch is an ORAS tutor move, so you'd have to transfer a Riolu/Lucario that knows it from those games. I didn't know you were playing only Sun and Moon when I wrote the answer, though. Sorry!
It is ok my friend, Unfortunately it is a fact that they retired a lot of grate moves from Lucario :/ :/.