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So I've been having troubles breeding this HA Starly. I used two different reckless Staraptors from Gen VI with a Staravia and a couple of Dittos from Gen VII. I've tried this several times with different combinations but all the Starlys I get are keen eye. Is it possible to get one? Am I just that unlucky?

I'm pretty sure you're just unlucky.

2 Answers

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You are just being unlucky. Remember HAs have only 60% chance to be passed down by parents, so statistic might be a bit annoying.

0 votes

I finally found the reason. I never knew that breeding males HA pokémon with same species (HA Staraptor + Staravia) couldn't get you HA pokémon. The only way to breed HA male pokémon is with a Ditto, while the females can breed with anything. I never got this info, so I hope this could help someone. Thanks for the answers, mates.
