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8 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Smeargle, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Smeargle Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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Smeargle @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SpD
Bold Nature
-Milk Drink
-Slack Off
Because I can.
Edit: False Swipe Gaming mentioned this comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N1PnP7e1pA&t=900s
I'm guessing that moveset above is for annoying opponents and decreasing their PP over time, right?
Uh…. no. This is just because sumwun can. Smeargle doesn’t have the bulk to PP Stall and this can be Taunted.

36 Answers

7 votes

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo / Moody
EVs: 128 Def / 128 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature / Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Quiver Dance
- Bulk Up
- Baton Pass

Spore makes them go to sleep. Quiver Dance and Bulk Up are boosts to pass and when combined they boost all your basic stats (Accuracy and evasiveness being secondary stats). Baton Pass passes the stat boosts.

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Disclaimer: If you use this set people may hate you, use at own risk.
Why do you have Baton pass? It is a ridiculous move, you can just switch Smeargle out instead.
Beacause if you just switch out all of the stat boosting is wasted. Baton Pass passes on ALL stat boosts to the next Pokemon.
How Bout Coil instead of bulk up it also boost accuracy :/
how could I get spore on this pokemon in ultra sun? I checked all of the pokemon that could know it, and no pokemon that can be found in the wild can have this...
Morelull can be found in Lush Jungle or Brooklet Hill at night and learns Spore at level 36.
6 votes

What I use is a set-up Smeargel, and it works really well:

Smeargle (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 128 Def / 128 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Spore

So basically, Smeargle prevents fainting from Focus Sash, and spores them to sleep if she doesn't attack first. Either way, asleep. This gives her a chance to set up, Stealth Rocks, possibly a few layers of Spikes, and some Toxic Spikes to get that in-between damage rolling. Lets just hope, as the user, you can get set up quickly. And man, does this thing screw you if you don't have a rapid spinner. ;P

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Personally I would use Spore instead of Dragon-tail/Circle throw as Smeargle does not have the bulk to set up.
Right. Thanks SF! Dont know what I'd do without ya. ;P
Replace Spikes with Sticky Web and your set.
5 votes

Shell Smashing Smeargle

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo / Moody
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature / Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Baton Pass
- Shell Smash
- Destiny Bond

I had a lot of fun with this set yesterday, considering you're reading this on the 30th of May. Ok so the only type of Smeargle you see in the current meta game is Spore, Baton Pass, Shell Smash, no one ever thinks about the last move. So why not Destiny Bond?

So here's the strat- Send out Smeargle first, then use Shell Smash (yes first, unlike other sets that allows you to outspeed your opponent to put them to sleep, that then allows you to Spore so they wont wake up and kill the Pokemon passed to which if you use Spore first they would have a good chance, though don't use if the Pokemon is well known for a priority move which most leads are not.)

Secondly, Spore then pass. Sweeper sweeps. Ok sweeper eventually gets taken out so switch back in. 276 speed will outspeed most Pokemon, so you can then Spore them and use the usual tactic pass again. But If the foe is sweeping your team and it will lose you the match, send in 1 HP Smeargle with Destiny Bond. No one will expect that, now you have no major threat to deal with.

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3 votes

Here's a super annoying smeargle that reks in 1v1

(Focus Sash is banned in 1v1)
Smeargle @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Spore
- Imprison
- Taunt
- Transform

So here's the objective of this set: When you use Spore on your opponent, you can use Taunt (optional). Right after you Taunt your opponent make sure you use Imprison. After that use Transform. Your opponent will now be struggling to take out your Smeargle.

Pun Intended

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haha i use the same set on 1v1 before i saw others did also. It works beutifully and if your  opponent wakes up then... you dead. and also only use this vs stallers or slower guys than you
It looks like imprison only works if your opponent has a same move as you. If none of your moves are the same, it fails. At least as far as Ruby (Gen 3) is concerned. I just spent like an hour getting imprison, spore, and transform on a smeargle only to find out about this imprison caveat.
I think it's better to know Mimic instead of Taunt.  Mimic guarantees that you will know a move of the opponent's, which in turn ensures that Imprison will not fail. So order of moves (depending on Smeargle's speed): Spore (if opponent attacks first), Mimic, Imprison, Transform--then sit back and enjoy the show. If Smeargle attacks first, better just use an Imprison right off the bat (it's gonna be a wasted first move anyway), THEN mimic, THEN spore, then Imprison (again if needed), then transform
2 votes

Here is a Smeargle for use in Rain Teams.


Smeargle @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Soak
- Thunder
- Bullet Punch / Charge Beam
- Hurricane

Soak is for turning the opponent into a Water type and use Thunder on him. Bullet Punch is for Priority but Charge Beam can be used on the Water type, being super-effective and having a chance to raise Smeargle's low Special Attack. Hurricane is also a good move in Rain.

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what are you going to do when a pokemon with a weather starting ability comes in?
xD Weather is pretty rare in NU but.... I could just switch into my Rain starter and kill the other Weather starter :P
yeah but what if it was Abamasnow aka barrack obamasnow? Cot sumpthin' super effective to that?
Smeargle is RU, I thought.
So you have access to every priority move in the game, but you choose the one with the worst possible typing? GJ.
With that being said, go for Aqua Jet. (Tech + Rain)
Right xD
Probably not Aqua jet because of soak, but instead maybe ExtremeSpeed
2 votes

Gen V

Smeargle (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Shell Smash
- Endeavor
- Extreme Speed / Mach Punch

Start off with Shell Smash, if you go down to your Focus Sash then, put them to sleep with added speed. Endeavor them to 1 HP too, then outspeed them with Extreme Speed or Mach Punch. If they don't hit you first go, do another Shell Smash and up your attack!

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Pretty good idea here.
thought i would try something different!
/Bullet Punch/Quick Attack
Well what if u were against a ghost type? because you don't have baton pass so u can't keep the shell smash for a high defense pokemon. But it still is a great moveset for other pokemon types :)
You should use a jolly nature as Mach punch and Extreme Speed are physical moves.
2 votes

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo / Moody
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Confuse Ray
- Spirit Shackle
- Parting Shot

Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray cripple an opponent. Spirit Shackle locks them in. Parting Shot cripples them even more and switches you out, optimally to a Pokémon who can take at advantage of them being crippled by setting up.

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2 votes

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Moody
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Spirit Shackle
- Memento
- Extreme Speed

Put em to sleep, trap em, then cripple them with Memento and switch out to something that can set up.

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I feel like Parting Shot > Memento.
Well after sash is consumed it might not be useful to have him again
Thats true.
2 votes

Nobody would predict a sweeper Smeargle. So here you have it, a sweeper Smeargle.
Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Moody / Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Spore
- Shell Smash
- Boomburst
- Clanging Scales

Put them to sleep. Shell Smash until they wake up and activate your Sash. Shell Smash is 2+ Special Attack and 2+ Speed every time, so it’s very helpful. Boomburst is INCREDIBLY powerful STAB, and Clanging Scales are just there for strong coverage that is perfectly accurate.
Oh, and take a look at this:

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I'm pretty sure burn up is only usable by fire types
also why clanging scales out of all moves?
Yeah did /dt on showdown
Burn UpFireSpecialPower
8User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire.
Priority: 0 |  Gen: 7 |  ✓ Thaws user |  Z-Power: 195 |  Dynamax Power: 140 |  Target: One Adjacent Pokémon
It’s the highest power move with perfect accuracy. If he misses, he’s dead.
This set is strange but i love it
This is so creative
if you use wring out instead of boomburst you can do some damage
Wring Out does 120BP max; Boomburst has 140BP consistently.
1 vote

Okay, this one won't work unless your opponent has a weak lead, but if it does work, well, you will have one ticked-off opponent on your hands.

Okay, so this is primarily a lead but can be used later as well:

Smeargle (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum / Swords Dance
- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Protect

First, go for either Agility or Belly Drum (use Belly Drum ONLY if your opponent's Pokemon can't one-hit the smeargle). If you use Belly Drum, follow up with Protect to regain some of the lost HP with Leftovers. After that, use Baton Pass to give the boost to either a speedy poke or a physical poke.

Used correctly, this can make any physical attacker with decent speed impossible to touch.
It should be taken note of that it would help lots to also have a priority attack on whoever you are Baton Passing to, because if you pass to, say, Salamence, an Ice Shard might almost kill it. So be aware.

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Moody cannot be used with Baton Pass.
I'll change that.
1 vote

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Spore
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes / Destiny Bond

This set really just sets up hazards onto your opponents team. Spore will give you a chance to make your opponent go to sleep and let you have a chance to set up hazards. If you don't choose to have Spikes, then go for Destiny Bond. At least your opponent will die with you lol.

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You get crippled by Taunt.
1 vote

Taunt Me

Gen 9 OU Lead
Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Stone Axe
- Spore
- Sticky Web

With Gen 9, Smeargle gets more broken moves to use. This set is like any other Smeargle hazard lead, except Taunt no longer stops it, and Smeargle isn’t passive. Focus Sash to easily set Spore. Spore puts the opponent to sleep. Stone Axe to set up Stealth Rocks. Ceaseless Edge to set up Spikes. Sticky Webs to set up webs. Tera doesn’t matter.

I think Tera Ghost could probably be used to block Rapid Spin, but you probably wouldn't waste it on Smeargle anyway.
In addition to Taunt not stopping it, the hazards can't be bounced back by Magic Bounce. +1
0 votes

I have 2 move sets.

Smeargle @ Shell Bell
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Spore
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake

Belly Drum to max out attack.
Spore to set up Belly Drum.
Drain Punch to heal HP after Belly Drum.
Earthquake as a sweep move.


Smeargle @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 84 HP / 84 Def / 84 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
- Spore / Sticky Web / Thunder
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Stealth Rock

Spore to set up entry hazards or Sticky Web as an entry hazard. Thunder is for Flying-types.
The rest are entry hazards.
Hope it helped!

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Flying types tho
0 votes

I have a 2 Smeargles and they are good (For Smeargles)

Smeargle No.1:

Smeargle @ Quick Claw / any Drive
Ability: Moody / Own Tempo
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 Def
- Hyperspace Hole
- Oblivion Wing
- Relic Song
- Techno Blast

Smeargle No.2
Smeargle @ Leftovers / any Plate
Ability: Own Tempo / Moody
Nature: Lax
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- King's Shield
- Dark Void
- V-Create
- Land's wrath

Both will be very fast, and are able to put opposing Pokemon to sleep. You may also wish to give Smeargle No.2 Water Shuriken for priority.
Bear in mind these are Smeargles, however, and all the Diamond Storms and Judgements in the world won't make them much better than weaklings that don't OHKO Foongus with Oblivion Wing.

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0 votes

One of Smeargle's main niches is its ability to pass stats. You see a lot of Quiver Dance and Shell Smash sets, but why no Belly Drum?!

Smeargle @ Salac Berry
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 SpAtk
- Spore
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Baton Pass

This set is just awesome, period. You get to pass +6 Attack, +1 Speed, and maybe a Substitute. The only catch is you have to set up on something with less than 75 base speed, which may require a free switch. Anyway, from the top: Salac Berry raises Speed by 1 when Smeargle is at 25% HP or lower. Own Tempo is the ability so Smeargle doesn't get confused, but you can use Moody if you're feeling a little ballsy and don't mind risking a speed drop. 244 HP EVs makes Smeargle's HP divisible by 4, so that after a Belly Drum and a Substitute it will hit 25% and activate Salac Berry. Max speed to hit something with Spore, and 12 into Defense to take priority better if that happens. To set up, use a free switch to bring Smeargle against something with <75 base speed. Outspeed and use spore and then substitute. If they stay in you get a free sub, if they switch out and attack you lose the sub but no big deal. Use belly drum the next turn. This will get you down to 25% and activate your Salac Berry. You should be able to outspeed and Baton Pass Belly Drum. Hope that works :)

0 votes

Here's mine.
Smeargle @ Wide Lens
Ability: Own Tempo
Sassy Nature
EVs: 252 Spe / 4 SpD / 252 HP
- Baton Pass
- Quiver Dance / Agility
- Bulk Up / Substitute / Wish / Seismic Toss / Night Shade
- Dark Void / Spore

I use this to support my Shedinja by supplying it with higher Speed by using Quiver Dance then Baton Passing the boosts. Substitute is also useful because then I can pass it to my Shedinja too.
Anyways, the strategy here:
- Use Dark Void- if you're in a triple battle, make sure Smeargle is in the centre.
- Set up Quiver Dance and Bulk Up boosts- if you have Substitute, set it up now. You can also use Wish so Smeargle serves as a cleric.
- Baton Pass the boosts / Substitute / Wish to a team member who needs support.
You can also use Seismic Toss or Night Shade in conjunction with Quiver Dance to make Smeargle a 'sweeper'.

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0 votes

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Extreem Speed
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

Spore - Asleep first turn
Extreme Speed - Priority
Sucker Punch - For Ghost-types
Swords Dance - SET UP AND SWEEP!!

Very different set, but I think it would be useful.

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0 votes

OHKO Smeargle

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Lock-On
- Horn Drill
- Sheer Cold

Explanation: A very Trolly OHKO Set. Spore has 100% Accuracy and it makes the Foe fall Asleep. Lock-On ensures Horn Drill and Sheer Cold to hit. Horn Drill and Sheer Cold are OHKO moves.

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0 votes

Set 1 : Geomancy Set Up

Smeargle @ Power Herb
Ability: Moody
EVs: 128 Def / 128 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Jolly Nature
- Geomancy
- Spore / Dark Void
- Baton Pass
- Minimize / Acid Armor

Rage Powder / Follow Me Support Needed

Start by getting your support to use Follow Me/Rage Powder then have Smeargle use Dark Void or Spore. While opponent is asleep, you are able to Geomancy and either use an extra stat boost move like Minimize or Acid Armor or you can baton pass if you are worried that your opponent will wake up.

Set 2 : Knockout (KO) Smeargle

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature / Jolly Nature
- Spore / Dark Void
- Lock-On / Mind Reader
- Sheer Cold
- Destiny Bond / Healing Wish

Spore or Dark Void Opponent. Next, use Lock-On or Mind Reader and attack with a One Hit KO Sheer Cold. If you are down to 1 HP, you have a choice: have opponent faint with you or become Nurse Joy and restore the health of a Pokemon?

Set 3 : The Terrain Builder

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature / Jolly Nature
- Spore / Dark Void
- Sticky Web / Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes

A great moveset indeed. First of all, who doesn't have a Smeargle with Spore or Dark Void? Use this sleeping move so your opponent can have a great sleep zZz.... Next, YOU become the builder :D You have many choices to choose from: you can add a web,some rocks,some spikes,and more spikes.. that are poisonous! This is your land.. add whatever you want :)

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0 votes

Smeargle @ Normalium Z
Ability: Moody
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Spore
- Shell Smash
- Minimize
- Baton Pass

Spore - Puts opponents to sleep with 100% accuracy.
Shell Smash - Steroid ability.
Minimize - Steroid ability. Allows further use of Shell Smash and reducing chances of being fainted.
Baton Pass - Use this with Normalium Z to reset all negative stats.

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