Gen 9 NU Choice Band

Passimian @ Choice Band
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot
- U-turn / Rock Slide / Earthquake
A Choice Band set for Gen 9 NU. Close Combat is used for a powerful Fighting STAB. Knock Off provides useful coverage against Ghost- and Psychic-types such as Oricorio-Sensu, Drifblim, Bruxish, Rabsca, and Haunter. Knock Off is also nice for removing items since it is one of the few viable Knock Off users of the tier. Gunk Shot is used for a nice coverage move that is super effective on Pokemon who Terastalize into a Fairy Type. U-turn allows Passimian to escape from Pokemon it cannot beat. Rock Slide is an option that allows Passimian to deal super effective damage to Venomoth and Vespiquen. Earthquake is an option that allows Passimian to deal super effective damage to Poison-types such as Toxicroak, Skuntank, Qwilfish, and Muk. Tera Dark is used let Passimian have an immunity to Psychic moves and allow Knock Off to become STAB, essentially making Choice Band Passimian "Pangoro at home".