Alolan Marowak

Pele (Marowak-Alola) (F) @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Atk / 180 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
- Earthquake / Bonemarang
- Will-O-Wisp / Toxic / Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
- Shadow Bone / Low Kick
I never realized how good this thing's Attack could be until now. Why was it NU as opposed to this one (OU)? I'm probably out of touch on the tier cause I haven't played ultra-competitive in a while, but the site needs an Alolan moveset for this Poke. I got this set from Smogon us, but I rearranged the EVs. It originally had some investment in Speed to outdo Pokes like Chansey and Clefable, but I don't think they'll be as much of problems if you decide to run Low Kick for Chansey (EDIT 11/27/18: or Tyranitar, another big one, I wouldn't have caught this if I hadn't happened upon it by mistake), which was also my own idea. I have bolded the choices I use. This set also originally ran Lightning Rod, but I chose Rock Head to live to use more Flare Blitzes.
If you'd like the original EVs for this set:
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 112 SpD / 132 Spe
Smogon also had a set I liked for a Sub-attacker.
Marowak-Alola @ Thick Club
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Shadow Bone
- Bonemerang / Earthquake
- Substitute
>Okay so, it might seem really weird to run Max Speed and Jolly on such a slow Pokemon, but hear me out. Running Speed actually helps Marowak a lot when it comes to stallbreaking. Being able to outspeed stuff like Hippowdon and Mega Venusaur prevents them from being able to stall you out with faster recovers or just revenge kill you. It also lets you Sub on them before they inflict you with status. And yes, base 45 speed may seem slow even with investment, but it actually outspeeds the important base 200 Speed tier (just barely; it hits 207 speed) ,which not many defensive Pokemon are able to surpass (idk how much speed Heatran runs nowadays*, might be more than Marowak can reach, but from what I've seen most are very bulky). And, most importantly, Substitute lets it act as an excellent MMawile check, given that they rarely run Knock Off and will most likely try to Sucker Punch Marowak. Oh, and with TWave support, it has an actual shot at being able to outspeed stuff: it outspeeds everything paralyzed up to base 140 speed You can definitely use Lightningrod over Rock Head to counter Tapu Koko and Xurkitree, but that means you need to run Fire Punch over Flare Blitz, which reduces your wallbreaking capabilities quite a bit. I initially dismissed this thing because of its speed+poor defensive typing, but in the current metagame, its typing is actually pretty useful, its coverage is amazing, and it packs one hell of a punch, so consider me impressed.
~Fat Albacore, Smogon