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Like can one Pokemon learn 4 different moves from different move types like dark water fire and idk flying or something like that.


2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Lets start with an easy one: Smeargle. Learns every move, including moves that have a boosted critical hit ratio. I'm assuming you're asking for these moves?

  • Aeroblast, Air Cutter, Attack Order, Blaze Kick, Crabhammer, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Drill Run, Karate Chop, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Poison Tail, Psycho Cut, Razor Leaf, Razor Wind, Shadow Claw, Sky Attack, Slash, Spacial Rend, and Stone Edge.

Then users of 4 of these moves, each move of separate typing, include:

  • Sandslash (Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Nidoqueen (Drill Run, Poison Tail, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Nidoking (Drill Run, Poison Tail, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Dugtrio (Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Farfetch'd (Air Cutter, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Slash)
  • Mew (Air Cutter, Drill Run, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Teddiursa (Cross Chop, Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Ursaring (Cross Chop, Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Blaziken (Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw, Slash, Stone Edge)
  • Absol (Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Razor Wind, Shadow Claw)
  • Gliscor (Sky Attack, Night Slash, Poison Tail, Razor Wind)
  • Gallade (Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Slash)
  • Palkia (Spacial Rend, Shadow Claw, Slash, Stone Edge)
  • Dwebble (Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Crustle (Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Beartic (Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Druddigon (Night Slash, Poison Tail, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Pawniard (Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Bisharp (Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Pancham (Karate Chop, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Pangoro (Karate Chop, Slash, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge)
  • Binacle (Cross Chop, Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Barbaracle (Cross Chop, Night Slash, Slash, Shadow Claw)
  • Kartana (Air Cutter, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade)
  • Necrozma (Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Slash, Shadow Claw)

Some Pokemon may be able to learn more than four moves than those listed next to it (for example, Absol can learn Slash as well). It is only listed to help see some moveset possibilities.

Hope this helps! :)

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Well, Absol learns slash, night slash, psycho cut, and shadow claw which all have a high critical hit ratio.

reshown by
Slash and Slash?
Sorry, I accidently said slash twice