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This must be the stupidest question to ask for details on an event that happened 12 years ago now, but I want to know what happened to this Sandshrew event here: http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/027.shtml

This Sandshrew came with the move Vital Throw, according to Serebii. No other data site mentions Sandshrew knowing this move, including Showdown and Bulbapedia. I'm wondering if anyone knows why this event has been on Serebii since 2011, if it apparently didn't have that move, according to Bulbapedia etc.

As far as I know, this is the only site that lists Sandshrew as learning this from the event.

I checked out the article for the event from where this Sandshrew was obtained on Bulbapedia (Link here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Trade_and_Battle_Day_event_Pokémon_distributions#Sandshrew), and it has the exact same OT, ID, and etc, save for Vital Throw, which has been replaced by Poison Sting for some reason. I think your best bet here is probably to ask someone who actually got this Sandshrew.
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?497187-Hack-Check-Thread-(Read-the-OP-for-simple-hack-checking)&p=14781739#post14781739 implies that a Jeremy Sandshrew with Vital Throw is hacked, but the poster refers to two Pokemon and I'm not sure which Pokemon the answer replies to.
The nature is also differnt on the Serebii page - Bulbapedia states it is docile whereas Serebii states it's any nature...hmm
Well natures and stuff can only be determined when you can examine the game's code or through testing it repeatedly. If I had to guess, its likely someone submitted the Sandshrew to Serebii and showed its OT and everything, which would explain the lack of nature. I guess they took it as fact and printed it.

It should be said that it could also have been an oversight. A lot of people don't know that some events have a set IV number in (a) certain stat(s). For older events in generations one through three though, where there wasn't as much of a die-hard fanbase at the time, there is little data left of what those numbers might've been, if they existed at all. And now there is no easy way to find out either. That's why Bulbapedia also lacks movesets for some older events still.
A bit of an update on this: the Bulbapedia page of the event Sandshrew no longer mentions any information regarding it other than the OT, ID No. and Ability, while it mentions all the information regarding most other pokémon obtained through the same event.

The link provided by Indigo also doesn't exist anymore.

1 Answer

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So I found this incredibly interesting, so I decided to do a little research.

It turns out that there were multiple Pokemon released in the "JEREMY" events, such as Ekans, Vulpix, and the Sandshrew that is under discussion.

On this Reddit post, user Emericken was creating a gimmicky doubles set using a Vital Throw Sandslash. They had put this set out before attempting to make it, and then realized that "the Sandshrew does not learn vital throw from that event, because the Jeremy Pokemon were all just wild captures that were cloned." This is the full quote.

Also someone else asked this question on the forums and received the answer that no, the Sandshrew does not learn vital throw from that event, because the Jeremy Pokemon were all just wild captures that were cloned. I reckon someone must have copied and pasted the Machoke info and forgotten to delete the last move.

There was a Machoke that was distributed by the Jeremy event, however the source that Emericken used to gather his sources was only able to acquire an evolved version of the event Machoke, so the Machamp had a different moveset than when the event was distributed. This means Emericken is a source only by heresy.

If you go to the link that Emericken gives, this seemingly French Bulbapedia page pops up, with an entire list of Gen 3 distributions in 2004. The Sandshrew on this list does not have Vital Throw, it has Scratch, Defense Curl, and Sand Attack. Which would be it's level up moveset at the distributed level, which is 12. After Google Translating the description for JEREMY events, you get this:

On September 25, 2004, Toys “R” Us stores held an event called Trade and Battle Day, during which several hard-to-obtain Pokémon were distributed to Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon Green players. Sheet. Their DO "JEREMY" gave his name to this series. Distribution was limited to one Pokémon per game cartridge. This distribution having been made by exchange, certain Pokémon evolved after reception. Note that the gender of the DO and the ID vary depending on the Pokémon obtained, and that Tauros was distributed in a Safari Ball.

DO is OT. This is incredibly interesting because of the last line. Tauros was always distributed in a Safari Ball. Tauros's level in the Safari Zone in FRLG is 25. The distributed Tauros is Level 25. And that's not all! The Tauros distributed had the same level-up moveset a Level 25 Tauros would have in FRLG, with Rage, Horn Attack, Scary Face, and Pursuit. This is strong evidence that suggests that the Tauros distributed under the JEREMY OT were cloned versions of a Tauros caught in the FRLG Safari Zone. If you check Emericken's quote, he states that all JEREMY distributions were just cloned wild captures. This is backed by the fact that all the Pokemon distributed by JEREMY have their level up moveset, other than the Sandshrew that supposedly has Vital Throw. This evidence is powerful enough to suggest that Serebii's listing is false.

It should also be noted that Serebii's lists for legal moves for Sandshrew and Sandslash do not include Vital Throw. This is more evidence to suggest that the Vital Throw on the event list is simply an error.

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