Gen 7 Doubles OU

Volcanion @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpA / 16 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steam Eruption
- Heat Wave
- Substitute
- Protect
Basically the Smogon set, but with a simpler EV spread. Steam Eruption is an amazing STAB move, dealing big damage to anything that doesn't resist it and has a 30% chance to ruin a physical attacker's day with a burn. Heat Wave is fire STAB that hits both opponents. Substitute allows Volcanion to take advantage of the Protects and switches it can force. Once it sets up a Substitute, Volcanion can more freely fire off it's powerful attacks, take an additional hit (or multiple, if Substitute doesn't break after one hit), and block status effects (as well as flinches from Fake out), making Volcanion much harder to deal with. Protect is a staple move in all doubles formats, blocking all attacks and stalling out field conditions, such as opposing Tailwind, while your ally Pokémon can eliminate a threat to Volcanion or set up.
With 252 HP EVs, Volcanion can activate it's Wiki Berry after using Substitute three times, or twice if it switches into Stealth Rock once. The special defence EVs prevent Amoonguss from breaking Volcanion's substitute in a single hit with Giga Drain. The rest of the EVs are in special attack. If you are using a Full Trick Room team, you can change the nature to Quiet and run 0 speed IVs to make Volcanion as fast as possible under Trick Room (If you're using a Semiroom team, you don't have to do this).