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The 1st gym

Roxxane,a Rock Type leader.....
Suggested Pokemon/types = grass(treecko/shroomish)/water(mudkip/wingull)
Suggested Levels around 10 will be good...

The 2nd gym

Brawly,the Fighting type leader.....
Suggested types/pokemon = Flying (Taillow),Psychic(Ralts/Abra/Kadabra)
Suggested levels = above 17 will make the gym a cake

The 3rd gym

Wattson, the Electric Type leader
Suggested types/pokemon = Ground(Marshstomp+ ground type attack {mud slap})It alone should be enough :)
suggested levels above 25 should be good,and make your Pokemon hold cheri-berries

Moving on to the 4th gym

Flannery, the Fire type leader
Suggested types/pokemon = Water/Ground ( {azu}marill/Marshtomp)
Suggested levels = above 27 should be enough

The 5th gym

Norman(Dad),the Normal type leader
Suggested types/pokemon = Fighting (Breloom/Makuhita)
Suggested levels = above 31-32

The 6th gym
Winona,the Flying type leader
Suggested type/pokemon = Electric/Ice (Electrode/Swampert + Ice Beam)
Suggested levels = around 35

The 7th gym

Liza & Tate, the Psychic type leaderS
Suggested types/pokemon = Dark/Ghost = (Sableye/Shuppet + Shadow Ball)
Suggested levels = around 40-42 will be nice

and Finally,the 8th gym!

Juan, the Water type Master!
Suggested types/pokemon = Grass/Electric (Sceptile,Electrode)
Suggested levels = above 45-46

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Up Voted from me :)
3 votes

Rustboro City ( Rock ) - Lets you use Cut -
Dewford City ( Fighting ) - Lets you use Flash -
Mawville City ( Electric ) - Lets you use Rock Smash -
Lavaridge Town ( Fire ) - Lets you use Strength? -
PetalBurge City ( normal ) ( DADDY ) - Lets you use Surf -
Foretree City ( Flying ) - Lets you use Fly -
Mosdeep ( Psychic ) - Lets you use Dive -
Sootopolis ( Water ) - Lets you use Waterfall -

–3 votes

Rustboro City | Rock | Geodude, Nosepass | Cut |
Dewford Town | Fighting | Makuhita, Medicham, Machop | Flash |
Mawville City | Electric | Magneton, Manectric, Electrode | Rock Smash |
Lavaridge Town | Fire | Camerupt, Torkoal, Rapidash, Magcargo | Strength |
Petalburg City | Normal | Slaking, Linoone, Vigoroth?? | Surf |
Fortree City | Flying | Swellow, Tropius, Pelipper, Skarmory | Fly |
Mossdeep | Psychic | Medicham, Lunatone, Solrock, Mr. Mime | Dive |
Sootopolis | Water | Milotic, Luvdisc, Seaking, Huntail, Walrein | Waterfall |

I'm not positive about the Pokemon from the 5th on...


Love Your Name. However, alot of those pokemon are wrong. Rapidash isnt even in this game and you put the last evos of all the pokemon and most of them aren't evolved. Mr. Mime isnt in this game either.